Reflective Listening
September 18, 2012
Melissa Columbus & Becca Smith
HC 65-85
MI 74-84
Ask Open Questions
Listen Reflectively
5 Methods for the 1st Session
1. Ask Open Questions
2. Listen Reflectively
3. Affirm
4. Summarize
5. Eliciting Change Talk
Eliciting Change Talk
- 4 categories:
- disadvantages of the status quo
- advantages for change
- optimism for change
- intention to change
Methods for Evoking Change Talk
- 1st part of the consultation
- Brief episodes throughout the session
- After you ask an open question
- Gather info you might otherwise miss
- Strengthen relationship
- More comfortable & open
- Seems like you've spent a longer amount of time with patient
- Great impact on patient
- Used to link together & reinforce material that has been discussed.
- 3 kinds:
- Collecting
- Linking
- Transitional
"On one hand, you think you need involve more physical activity into your daily routine. On the other hand, you feel like you're too busy to exercise."
"I think I could probably do that if I decided to."
- Asking Evocative Questions
- Importance Ruler
- Exploring the Decisional Balance
- Elaborating
- Querying Extremes
- Looking Back
- Looking Forward
- Exploring Goals & Values
- Summary of any change-talk that has been stated
- Continue their thought process. Don't interrupt their momentum
- Doing this too often can be annoying
"If I continue not brushing my teeth, then in 20 years I could have gum disease and lose all my teeth."
Linking Summary
- Ties together material that has already been mentioned
"I never really thought that much before about how that affects my family."
- Encourages the patient to reflect on the relationship between the points that he/she has already made
Looking Back
Exploring the Decisional Balance
Querying Extremes
Looking Forward
Importance Ruler
Exploring Goals & Values
Asking Evocative Questions
- Imagine the worst possible outcome that could occur if they do not change
- Compare their current situation to a time before the problem began
- Have the client dig deeper into a topic before moving on
- Have the client discuss the positive & negatives of the status quo
- Rating of client's perceived importance of change
- Ask open-ended questions to explore their concerns
- Find out their goals & what is important to them
- Help the client envision a changed future OR a future where they have made no changes to their current behavior.
- Imagine the best possible outcome for the future if they do change
- This can lead to further change talk
- If the past was worse, explore what has happened that caused the improvement
Transitional Summary
Deciding Whether to Improve Diet
- A wrap-up summary of what has been said during the session
Opening the Door to Listening
- Emphasize the points that you feel are important
More energy
Health benefits
"This isn't what I want for my family. What can I do?"
Begin by asking an open question
Limited Choices
"I'd probably be around to enjoy my grandchildren as they grow up."
Facilitative Responses
- Patients begin to feel uneasy if you say absolutely nothing
- Use facilitative responses to assure them you're listening
- Questions are roadblocks to listening
- Puts you in charge of conversation
- For listening, the only question you need is an open invitation
"Say some more about that"
Listening by Reflecting
Try not to even think the roadblocks
Agree, disagree, instruct, warn...
- A short summary of what they have been saying
- Proves you have been listening
The Skill of Summary
- Shows you've been listening & remembering
- Helps draw together info
- Reemphasize important aspects
- Oppurtunity to change the direction
Asking & Listening
Client-centered counseling
3 Recommendations:
- Open questions
- Don't ask 2 questions in a row
- Offer 2 reflections for every questions you ask
Concerns about Listening
If I listen too well, then my patients will talk for hours
Reflect Resistance
Concerns about Listening
Patients who feel ambivalent have both sides of the argument
If I listen to my patient in this way, will they fall apart right there in my office? After all, I'm not a psychologist.
They will often back away from resistance when you reflect
Reflect Change Talk
Listening in MI
The patient presents the case for change
- Choosing what to reflect
- Reflect Resistance
- Reflect Change Talk
- Working through ambivalence
Choosing WHAT to Reflect
Working through Ambivalence
Choose what you think is most important