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Paired Texts! Two Texts,

One Common Idea!

Identifying How Two Texts Are Related

Let's Read a Set of Paired Texts

Just like we did with the clips, lets read the texts and identify

So, What are Paired Texts?

1 ) What big idea(s) or understandings did both texts have in common? What details led you to think this? Jot this down in a Venn Diagram or T-chart.

2) How are these texts different?

In what ways was the information presented differently?

Paired Texts are two texts that SHARE RELATED IDEAS. These ideas can be:


  • similar actions, feelings or perspectives between two characters or people
  • similar lesson or themes
  • facts about a similar topic
  • related ideas from past events

Let's Think About the "Paired" Clips...

  • What big idea(s) did both clips have in common?
  • What details led you to think this?

Let's Start By Looking At These Movies

  • How are these clips different?
  • In what ways was the information presented differently?

Clip from: "Frozen Planet" a documentary (non-fiction movie)

Clip from "Happy Feet" a fictional movie

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