- Try and talk
- Split if the situation gets worse
Thinking that men and women
have equal rights
- As a prevention against transmittable diseases and unwanted pregnancy
- Knowledge of contraceptives
- Family circles
- Friends
- Otherwise, no way
- Interpreted as sexual abuse
- "To violate the rights of a person"
- Can apply for girls and wives
Education of own children
- Wish to send them all at school, thanks to scholarship & grants
- Sons are sometimes more likely to be sent to school to have a better job in order to held his family
Violence/referring institutions
The majority would go to:
- Police
- Comisaria de la Mujer
- the prosecutor
- A psychologist
Depending whether the violence is physical
or psychological
- Seen as murder in the most cases
- Can only be justified by medical issues
Explained by a lack of knowledge, ignorance
or even "stupidity"
Parents are often held responsible
Woman president
- Hope that a woman could be president
- A woman has been president in Chile
Sensibilisation on abuse theme
Family economy
in the future
" My parents were more respectful towards my grandparents"
Priority to food and education
Religion have an impact on everyday lives:
- it shows the "good way to behave"
- it perpetuates patriarchal patterns
- Understood as a sexual abuse very often
- Seen as someone forcing someone else to do something; a violation
- Violence was considered as a correction tool
- Now the concept of punishment is different
The next generation has more freedom
Women without children
Roles family
(of members and yours)
Communication ways
on sexuality
Preferences given to men:
sons inherit instead of women
- Stereotypically
- children will study
- parents will work
- women in the house
- men outside
- Generally diverse or at school
or with family
- Either difficult or free and open conversation
- A woman should be free to decide not to have children
- she must have "her reasons"
Knowledge of sexuality
Equal rights M/F
Abused women
Activities M/F
community and home
In one side:
- Enough information at school or at home
- Ability to discuss freely
In another side:
- It depends of your family
- Lessons taught at school remain incomplete and quite general
Men and women have
the same rights
- Men do work that often requires "physical strength"
- Men work while women do housework
- Ideally women have the same physical strengths and abilities
BUT in reality do not work as men
- Perceived as someone with a low
- A victim who is partly responsible
Inequality between youngsters who can learn from family members and those who only benefit from school lessons
"There is a need to create a more direct communication"
Access to education
Feeling expressions
Tolerance level
Exterior image
and personality/media
By showing affection with respect
Education is acknowledge as a universal right
not everyone can afford it
Based on:
- race
- social and economic situations
- origins
- where you come from;
city or countryside
They would talk about it and split
- Perfect image associated with sexuality
- Beauty standards thin
- Different than real life
- Age: Average of 30
- Housing: family
- Gender: 66% male, 34% female
- Employment:
- 40% students
- 60% workers
Equal rights M/F
Tolerance level
Limit reached when the other person forces or forbids the other one
to do something
Same rights
- to vote
- to work
- to study
- to express our opinion
Women without children
Abused women
Feeling expressions
Because they are not sure to want children:
- "it is an individual decision"
They should keep the baby, there are many women who want to be mothers but can not.
Helping each other, with kindness and respect, talking, doing work around the house
- Next generation treated less severely
- Differences in the beating and forms of punishment
- Change noticed in the last generation
" A woman deserves respect
and should be treated well"
"She suffers a lot and I would suggest her
to solve the problem"
Family economy in the future
Woman president
Violence/referring institutions
Exterior image and personality/media
There are job which are harder for women to do
They would try to distribute equally:
- man works
- the wife manages the money to but necessities
She would have more "courage and humility" as she knows the reality
- Wish that a woman could be president
"Beautiful with an enviable body,
beautiful eyes, money, well-dressed"
These images create jealousy
- DIF to the authorities; to denounce the person responsible
- National Commission for Human Rights
- "it protect women, they have knowledge"
- "support of indigenous women"
- Differences between what men and women get
- Although they wish there would be no difference, men and boys are more likely to inherit and own properties
"My mother gave to my brother more fields but I don't understand why"
Activities M/F
community and home
Roles family
(of members and yours)
Religion forbids you certain things:
- to dance
- wear what you want to wear
Some argue that religion does not influence their live;
it depends on your religion
"They have to accept the consequences
of their actions"
"You are killing a child who is not responsible
for your mistakes"
- Idea of "only man can do physical work, while women cook"
- Men are in charge of the house,
bring money
- Mother: sweeps, cooks, washes
- Father: tinker, bathing children
- Children: collect trash, dirty clothes, raise the animals
- Cleaning house all together
- Strong discrimination based on skin color, language
- Between indigenous and others:
- wage and lifestyle
- gender
- physical appearance
- maya language vs. spanish
Sensibilisation on abuse theme
Communication ways on sexuality
Education of own children
Access to education
Knowledge of sexuality
5 aspects in the survey
3 countries reviewed
Early pregnancy
Priority given to boys or the eldest one
of the family
- Same rights for men and women
- Economical obstacle
- Described as a problem, caused by the mother's ignorance
- Lack of information:
- how to be pregnant,
- contraceptives methods
Young Women,
Community Development
through EU and LA Cooperation
- Education
- Socio-Cultural
- Political and economical
- Machismo
- Violence
- Age: Average of 21
- Housing: family
- Gender: 39% male, 61% female
- Employment:
- 84% students
- 2% workers
- 9% of others
- 5% of students-workers
- Age: Average of 24
- Housing: family
- Gender: 40% male, 60% female
- Employment:
- 51% students
- 30% workers
- 11% of others
- 8% of students-workers
Exterior image and personality/media
Feeling expressions
Tolerance level
- Same opportunities for males & females
- Financial obstacle
- Media are focus on gossip, judging people, denigration of female image
- Women as a subject to sell
Through actions and words
- Kisses, affection, good manners, respect, helping at home
Scandal, materialism, rubbish, conformism, consumerism, self-centred values, physical appearance
Strong stereotypes: men are stronger than women (weak)
Equal rights
Activities M/F
community and home
- Sexuality not perceived as a taboo
- Access to sexuality information
- internet
- at school
- BUT, need to have more explanations
Abused women perceived as weak and fragile
- that need for help from family or psychiatrists
- Job requiring physical strength for men
- High level positions reserved to men
- Machismo is present inside the family
- Woman have a double working day
Women without children
Communication ways on sexuality
Roles family
(of the members and yours)
- With friends: easiest way
- Family circles: still a taboo
- At school: technical aspect > diseases, contraceptives
No wish to have kids is perceived as a choice
Men are more likely to inherit and gain
properties than women
Reason: more capable to manage their properties
- Mothers responsible for the house
- Fathers does the hard labour
Family economy in the future
on abuse theme
- Always a woman
- It refers to sexual aggression
Influencing life:
- sharing
- dancing
- having partners
- eating, drinking
- style, clothes
Priority is given to substantial needs
Strong differences between generations
- grandparents were stricter and sexist
- today, traditions and strictness is disappearing
Power/weakness, lack of consent,
lack of respect, forcing
Woman president
- 100% disagree: synonymous of killing
- "Tolerance" in case of rape or danger for the mother
Agree: would be a good opportunity
Doubts: will it happen?
- Frequent cause: lack of information/orientation
- Rural and disadvantage areas
Education of own children
Violence/referring institutions
Inequality between children:
selection of the most able child
- People prefer to go to dedicated centre:
- " Demuna"