The Chants
- The hymns sung were learned by ear
- These hymns were notated using neumes so they did not notate specific pitches or intervals
- The neumatic notation was into square notes of equal length and the time given was determined by the text syllables that were being sung
- Songs in liturgy: a responsory consisted of intoning a verse of a psalm by one or more chanters and the repetition on the same by the congregation
- St. Ambrose kept Catholics in church day and night and arranged Psalms and hymns for them to sing
- Hymns sung in Ambrosian chant were also sung and used in Gregorian chant
- St. Ambrose wanted these hymns to be sung to sustain the spirit of the faithful on Easter night in 387 AD
- People enjoyed singing these hymns becase they were familiar to them
- Ambrosian Chant is the oldest surviving plainchant (other than Gregorian) that was accepted by the Roman Catholic Church
What it is.....
- A liturgical plainchant of the Ambrosian Rite of the Western Church
- It is attributed to St. Ambrose bishop of Milan who ruled from 374 AD to 397 AD
- It is sometimes called "Old Western Chant" or "Milanese Chant"
Ambrosian Chant
Jazmin Cole and Calvin Diggs