Lowe, Norman. Mastering Modern World History. (pp. 536, 559-561) 4th ed. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997. Print.Oppong, Joseph R. Rwanda. New York : Chelsea House, c2008. (pp.34-39)Examines the landscape, history, government, economy, people, and culture of Rwanda, and considers some of the issues facing the country in the future. Includes a chronology."Rwanda Chronology." PBS. WGBH Educational Foundation, 2012. Web. 16 Sept. 2012. “Rwanda Commemoration Project: Genocide In Our Time." Center for Human Rights & Human Law. American University College of Law, 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. <>.The Rwanda genocide. San Diego : Greenhaven Press; c2004. (pp. 7-18)Presents twelve essays that argue opposing points on the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, covering its causes, the world's reaction, and the country's rebuilding, and includes an introductory overview, a chronology, and a further reading list.
Belgian Rule
- Belgians established Tutsis (minority) as the ruling group, and the Hutu (majority) to be the servants
- Belgians classified people because they wanted to make it easier for them to rule, they classified the tutsis as tutsis because they looked the most like a white person
- Activists redistribute land and cattle, and abolish the servitude policies (promotes equality)
- Belgians mandate Ethnic Identity Cards (promotes racial tension)
- Tension grew and tribal warfare between the Hutu and the Tutsi began in 1959
- Belgians give Independence which leads to Burundi and Rwanda severing economic ties and becoming enemies
- Hutu gain power and begin to seek revenge against years of oppression
Decolonization of Rwanda
- President Kayibanda: Emancipation of Hutu People Party
- Juvenal Habyarimana overthrows him
- Tutsi flee from Rwanda
Jackson Doughty and Garon Lizana
- Hutus began a genocide campaign
Beginning of Genocide
- FPR begins to fight back, but UN forces leave the country
- Some fighting between FPR and Rwandan Army, but generally peaceful until 1993
- No other country did anything to stop the madness despite the endless massacres that were occurring
- Plane carrying both Hutu president of Rwanda and Burndian president was shot down by Interhamwe
- No president results in chaos
After the Genocide
- Tutsis finally regained power although it took several years to exercise it across the country
- Jails became so full that they had to release 40,000 prisoners cause there was no room
- In early 2000's several peace treaties and new constitutions were signed
- Rwanda economy was largely farming and agriculture, the genocide ruined this
- extreme difficulties
- slowly but surely improving