- Entire Electrical Balance of Plant supplied by ABB
- Large Power Transformers (2*130MVA and 1*140 MVA)
- Unit and Aux Power Transformers
- Medium Voltage system
- Low voltage system
- Mechanical draft cooling towers are used in this power plant.
- Cooling Towers : 2
- Each one has 4 cells & 4 cooling fans.
- Drift Eliminator: Drift eliminators are designed to capture large water droplets caught in the cooling tower air stream.
- Transformers of the plant
Main Power Transformers
- Brand - ABB
- 14.5KV Step-up to 220KV
- Primary Winding Delta
- Secondary winding Star
- Vector Group - YNd11
Presentation Outline
- Capacity: 1400 m3/h
- 400m away from the shore.
- Filtration & pumping of sea water from 1km distance from the plant
- Addition of chlorine
SC5 Impulse type Dual Pressure ST by GE, USA
- Impulse/Reaction Type
- Two Pressure Stages with Extraction-100bar & 7 bar
- Speed of 3000rpm
- 100MW Power Output
- Consists with 20 stages
15 HP Stages
5 LP Stages
- HP Steam Admission : 1st stage
- LP Steam Admission : 16th stage
- HP steam
Pressure 90 bar
500 Celsius
Pressure 7 bar
230 Celsius
Major Equipments
Flow Process of the power plant
- Plant description
- Electrical System
- Plant Process
- Major Equipments
- Transformers of plant
- Seawater intake
- Cooling tower
Electrical System
- HFO with Sulfur content less than 2 % is used
- Fuel Supply & delivery by CPC
- Initially by trucks & from December 2010 though pipe line from CPC Muthurajawela Terminals
- Cheapest CCPP
- Generation Voltage 14.5 kV,
- Transmission Voltage: 220kV
- Process Water & Service Water: Desalinated sea water is used
- Cooling Medium: Sea Water
- Net Efficiency : 46.13%
General Electrics (GE) of France and USA, 9E model
- Model Series : 9001E
- Ambient Temperature : 30 C
- Fuel Temperature : 125 C
- Output : 100 MW
- Exhaust Flow : 1450.1*103 kg/hr
- Exhaust Temperature : 520 C
- Consists with 20 stages.
17 stages for Compressor
3 stages for Turbine
- Function : Combust liquid fuel & mix with air. Then rotate the shaft of the generator to generate electricity.
Plant Description
Medium Voltage Transformers
- 02 Nos.
- 13.5 MVA
- 14.5KV Step down to 6KV
- 02 Nos. 6KV Bus bars (BBA & BBB)
- Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)
- Supplied by NEM Netherland – 2
Low Voltage Transformers
- 3.5MVA rated transformers
- and 2.5MVA rated transformers
- 6kV step down to 400V
- Type : Water tube Boiler
- Stack : Diameter 5m, & Height 80m
- 5 heat exchanger bundles & LP and HP drums
- Generates 510C & 100 bar HP steam and 230C & 7 bar LP steam
- HP Drum- Capacity-23m3
- LP Drum-Capacity-57 m3
- Open Cycle 11th Nov. 2008 and Combined Cycle 10th May 2010
- 300 MW of Power
- 2 GTs, 2 HRSGs, and 1 ST
- 100 MW*2 + 100 MW = 300MW
- Multi-fuel capability (Tri-fuel machine)
- Main fuel: HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil),
- Alternate Fuels: Auto Diesel (LFO) and LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)
- First Heavy Fuel Oil operated Combined Cycle Power Plant in Sri Lanka