Why is this useful?
But if we are ever trying to communicate a new or important concept to someone, this is crucial.
Ok, perhaps elevator pitches and ads are an exaggerated form of human communication
The Pitch
The Elevator Pitch
A short summary used to quickly define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition and delivered in the time span of an elevator ride for the purpose contracting funding for the organization and mass production of said product.
- What is the problem?
- Who does this problem target?
- Where is this problem?
- Why should people care?
- "Oh yeah?"
The Ad
A televised commercial conveying a certain message in order to market a product or service
- Grab the viewer's attention
- Make it memorable
- Create a connection
- Keep in Credible
- Aim for simplicity and clarity
Elevator pitches cater to individual VCs while ads cater to mass audiences. But if they have the same structure, then it must say something about basic human instincts when it comes to new information.
- Lectures here at Stanford
- Political speeches
- Presidential debates
- Evening news
- Class presentations!
selling a vision, not a product