Birth date and place?
Bethany Hamilton was born on February 8 , 1990
in Li hue Hawaii
Family Life?
Her parents are Cherilyn and Thomas Hamilton , She also has two brothers Noah and Timothy Hamilton
Bethany was home schooled during middle school
but she attended Port Richmond High for High School.
Occupations? She was an athlete
and Surfer
Death date and location:
She is still alive (Currently 22) and is
still living in Hawaii
Timeline of her life:
Born Feb 8 , 1990
-Wilcox Memorial Hospital in Hawaii
to Cherilyn and Thomas Hamilton
Age 2-5 (1992-1995)
-Learned to surf with her mom and dad
Age 8 (1998)
-Attended her first real surf
Age 9 (1999)
-First major surf sponsorships:
Rip Curl and Tim Carroll surfborads
Age 10-12 (2000-2002)
-Moved the the rankings in The Amateur
Surfing Competition
Age 13 (2003)
-Attacked by shark leaving her left
arm amputated to shoulder (Oct 31 , 2003)
-Returned to surfing with one arm (Nov 26 , 2003)
Age 14 (2004)
-Received an award for "courage"
at the MTV Teen Choice Awards (Aug 8 , 2004)
Age 15 (2005)
-Visited Thailand and brought back orphans
to see the ocean for the first time since the Tsunami
Age 16 (2006)
-Family surf trip to Samoa
Age 17 (2007)
-"Soul Surfer" book series was published
Age 18 (2008)
-5th place at US Open Of Surfing in
Age 19 (2009)
-2nd place at World Junior (under 20)
Championships in Sydney Australia
Age 20 (2010)
-The movie "Soul Surfer" about
Bethany's story began production in Hawaii
(Feb 2 , 2010)
Age 21 (2011)
-The movie "Soul Surfer" came to theaters
on April 8 , 2011
Even though the shark
attack was traumatic , Bethany
didn't give up and after 10 weeks she went
back to surfing.
What did she do that contribute to
Bethany supported charities such as
SurfAid , Women's Sports Foundation , and
World Vision
Bethany Hamilton Biography
By: Acacia Boother
Introduction: Bethany Hamilton is an American professional surfer. She is known for surviving a shark attack in which she lost her left arm, and for going back to professional surfing right after.