Nursing Theory, Research, and Settings
Health Care Delivery
- Clinical preventative services
- Population-based health care services
Code of Ethics
What is an ethical dilemma?
Theoretical Foundations
- Virtue ethics (compassion, courage, honesty)
- Causistry (case precedents)
- Utilitarianism (usefulness or consequences)
- Deontological (rules & duties)
- Principalism
- Autonomy
- Nonmaleficence
- Beneficence
- Justice
Organizational vs. clinical
-Describe theory-based nursing practice
-Explain how nursing research improves nursing practice
-Understand the role of ethics in professional nursing
-Discuss nursing roles in different health care delivery settings
Evidence-Based Practice
ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation
Patient-Centered Care
Core Competencies
for Health Professions
Versus Research Based
Adds a nurse's clinical experience,
practical trends, and patient preferences
- Respect values, preferences, and expressed needs
- Coordination & integration of care
- Information, communication, education
- Physical comfort
- Emotional support and relief of fear & anxiety
- Involvement with family & friends
- Transition and continuity
- Access to care
- Work in multidisciplinary teams
- Employ evidence-based practice
- Apply quality improvement
- Utilize informatics
- Provide patient-centered care...
(AHRQ National
Nursing Research
Hierarchy of Evidence
Research Based
Use of knowledge based on
results of research studies
For example...
Nursing Theory