More Evidence
White Creek Bed Stuff
Madeline Gardner
- Mowing lawns, went over sprinkler head and BOOM all of a sudden the ground blew up
- Willy Holtzman
- Thinks it's gun powder or drugs and wants investigators to analyze the ground
- Jim Chesnut
- Thinks it's not even happening, may spark a bit but not enough to blow up
- Joshua Plumber
- Plumber who had to punch sprinkler heads right through the clay
- Karen Sunde
- Hydrologist, water can dissolve things/ can be pulled through soil and dry creek land
Sprinkler Head
- Many gopher holes were made but was told to analyze the ground by Willy Holtzman
- Holes were made, which gives a chance for the Hydrogen gas to come up above
- Plumber, known as Joshua Parker had to punch the sprinkler heads through the clay which is where the Hydrogen Gas was being released
What was in the dry creek?
- Zinc Chloride
- Used our tools to test
- Zinc Chloride reacted from HCI and Zinc
- Hydrogen Gas was not visible, yet
Why was the Clay important
Gopher Holes
- Sealed the Hydrogen Gas from coming up
- Clay was one of the parts to cause the explosion
- Gophers dug holes deep enough to go through the clay releasing the gas
Why is this happening now instead of when the building was razed?
- Gophers are digging holes deep into the ground
- Chemicals were trapped underground when the building was there but now that there were holes the gasses are released
Why were the gopher holes a much bigger explosion?
Overall Data
- The gopher holes may have been a bit larger explosion because well, they are bigger than the sprinkler head
- May already know that their going to erupt due to the gas because of their deep digging
Our Solution
The Reactions
- We sampled the white mysterious line on the creekbed
- Testing these chemicals proved the making of Zinc Chloride
- Combustion took place in the explosion
- Hydrogen gas was the fuel
- Spark in lawn mower is the ignition
- Oxygen mixed with all the things finished off with the BIG EXPLOSION
- These bombing explosions all led up to 1 person
- That person is.....
- Hydrogen Gas caused this whole situation of exploding mowers
- We found all the evidence under where the Pow Printing Co. Site was
Chemical Reactions
It was the
Hydrogen Gas
- The white stuff that was dried up and dripping down the creek was tested to have the 2 chemicals, Zinc & Hydrochloric acid
- The clay that was placed blocked all the chemicals from coming up above
- Printing Plant buried underneath Printers Green
- Zinc and Hydrochloric acid was put into the plants
Joshua Parker,
The Plumber
Solving The Exploding Lawn Mowers