Conflicts In Ancient Rome
- The senate had told the successful General, Julius Caesar, not to cross the Rubicon, a small stream in Europe that had been set as a border line for Rome.
- It was an ancient Roman law that any general is forbidden to cross the Rubicon into Rome.
- Caesar had decided to and this started a bloody civil war for Rome.
Changing & Turning Points
Of The Renaissance
- After the Republic had converted to an Empire, the Emperor, Constantine had died, the Roman Empire was divided among his sons.
- The empire also had high taxes which frustrated citizens.
- Religion was not a contributing factor any longer. Humanism had taken over most of Europe.
- Humanism is the belief of focusing more on an individual rather than religion .
- Artists used perspective in their work, unlike artists during the Medieval Ages.
- The church lost most of it's power due to humanism and their corruption from the inside.
Conflicts In the Renaissance
- Another conflict that had occurred in Europe around this time was the issue of King Henry VIII of England and the Catholic Church.
- Soon after marrying Catherine of Aragon, Henry wanted to marry another woman and divorce Catherine.
- The pope would not let him do this so Henry had decided to make a new church so he could divorce Catherine.
- This new church was called the Church of England and had started the reformation of England itself .
Changing & Turning Points
Of Ancient Rome
- Caesar crossed the Rubricon which led to a civil war
- This influenced the change from The Roman Catholic Church to Eastern Orthodox Church
- The fall of Rome was also a changing points of Rome. This was due to Christianity and the size of their Empire.
Science & Technology
In The Renaissance
- The printing press was invented in 1436 by Johannes Gutenberg. Before the printing press, monks used to write out everything. After it was invented, it made education and life easier.
- Leanardo Da Vinchi, known as 'The Rennaissance Man', he studied human anatomy which helped his art appear more realistic.
- Michelangelo finished the Sithteenth Chapel during the year of 1483 in Rome.
Ancient Rome Vs. Renaissance
Golden Ages & Achievements
of The Renaissance
- The Scientific Method was invented around this time. This is one of the most basic methods of the modern world of science.
- This technique includes experiments and observation.
- Gravity was also studied more around this time by Issac Newton.
- William Shakespeare, one of the world's most known, repsected and successful writers, had also lived during this time.
- He wrote 37 plays and created more than a hundred words.
- A home made telescope was used Galileo to study astonomy as well.
Kayy Geer & Maria Diaz
Ms. Laskaris and Mrs. Yourman
Conflicts In The Renaissance
- One of the main conflicts of the Renaissance period was between the church and scientists/humanists.
- The church had believed in the Geocentric Model of the universe and Scientists had researched and studied the Heliocentric Model.
- The Geocentric Model states all celestral objects (Objects in space) revolve around the Earth, making the Earth the center of the universe.
- The Heliocentric Model is the model used present day, that states the sun is the center of our solar system.
Science & Technology
In Ancient Rome
- Ancient Romans had been the first to have roads and planned cities, just like the modern world today.
Who was most powerful ?
- They also had developed forms of surgery and had tools which Western Civilization had adopted.
- Rome also includes one of the world's most known pieces of architecture, The Pantheon .
- Aqueducts were used form the transport of water. This influenced the Modern World to have indoor plumbing.
The Renaissance was more powerful overall because it had influenced Western Society, giving us the ideas, inventions and knowledge we have adopted today.
Golden Ages & Achievements
Of Ancient Rome
1.)Milani-Santarpia , G. (n.d.). Roman inventions. Retrieved from
2.)Watkins, J. (2003). Regents prep global history. Retrieved from
- Pax Romana roughly translates to Peace of Rome.
3.)Humanism and science in the renaissance. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.all-about-
- Education was a main factor for children.
4.)LasCrystalt, E. (1995 -2012 ). Crystalinks. Retrieved from
5.) (2012). Retrieved from http://www.all-about-renaissance-
- Romans had also developed the alphabet which was adopted in many other different languages of the modern world.
6.)Watkins, J. (1999-2003 ). Regents prep global history. Retrieved from
- Art was more realistic and gods were shown with more human characteristics in sculptures.
7.) (2012). Retrieved from
8.)Watkins, J. (1999-2003). Regents prep global history. Retrieved from