Coca Cola
Red Bull
Funeral service
- Advertisement of 1931
- Haddon Sundblom
- +0.61% at the end
- Sweatshirt = unprofessional
- 2006
- Berlin subway
- "Come a little closer"
- 14 october 2012
- 38 969,3 m
- 50 countries
- 40 channels
- 37,5 million views on YouTube
- 70 000 € for the balloon
- Suppression of the sizes XL and XXL
- Jes M Baker, blogger "The Militant Baker"
- Prefer to burn the unsold clothes rather than give them to the homeless
5 Bads
5 Goods
GoPro and Michael Schumacher
Coca Cola
- 1990-1997
- Joe Camel
- Target has the children
- Mechanisms of smoking among children
- French touch
- Recovery of the Opel advertisement
- 29 december 2013
- The GoPro on the helmet would have damaged his brain during the accident
- GoPro's action had -12% at the opening of the Nasdaq the 14/10/2014
- Not disproved rumor = information
- Share a Coke
- 11 years of setbacks
- +4% in Australia
- 80 countries
- Started in Australia
Good and Bad examples of Marketing