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3. The settlement of Hull House
participation in the labour market, liberation of domestic spaces, new reconfiguration of cities, adults' lack of supervision and protection, etc.
- The Hull House was created as a response to the challenges of the modern live
Opportunity for local people to be reintegrated into society
- It set up many projects (nursery school, kindergarten, drama program...) to encourage democratic cooperation and collective action.
- The institution featured a wide variety of spaces for both public and private use (apartments, kitchen, bathrooms, gymnasium, music room, etc.)
Located strategically: one of the main thoroughfares, where different “colonies” of people were established
Hull House was a center for community life (cooperative system of residence)
Laura Camas
Aída Valero
aidavale@ucm. es
Considering the role of play spaces in the socialization of democracy and the great tendency of Western society children to participate in indoor spaces...
What relationship exists between public participation spaces and the cultivation of democracy?
What consequences can the imbalance have between the participation of indoor and outdoor scenarios in the socialization of democracy?
What is the role of virtual spaces, such as social networks, in the cultivation of democratic ethos?
2. Contextualization
Chicago in the late 19th century
- Important processes of industrialization
- Population growth (cultural diversity)
- Lack of infrastructure = social gap
- "Settlements" movement (Hull House)
International seminar: the promotion of the ethical and civic culture in the classroom
3. Who was Jane Addams
- Political activist (women's suffrage & women’s peace movements)
- One of the mothers of the modern social work
- America's first female philosophers
Cedarville (Illinois)
- Studied at Rockford Female Seminary
- Visited social centres in Europe, such as Toynbee Hall (England)
- Co-founder of the Hull House (1889)
- Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (1931)
- Authored a number of books:
The objective value of a social settlement (1892)
Democracy and Social ethics (1907)
Newer Ideals of Peace (1907)
The spirit of youth in the city streets (1909)
A brief overview...
1. Methodology
Addams’ educational thought is a complex system of interrelated topics: pacifism, cosmopolitism, feminism, social improvement and progressivism.
Hull-House is a response to a model of city government. An example of cooperation, horizontal model of authority, collective commitment and inclusion.
Addams places education as a driver in the balance between recreation and work.
Becoming recreation as a public domain activity ( to organise play in the modern city)
Emphasised the role of education in the promotion of organised play for the socialisation of democracy
The playground is the space in which children and young people would experience and socialize democracy and so, the social reform would materialize.
1. Methodology
Thanks for your attention!
It aims at exploring the pedagogical ideas of Jane Addams on democracy and recreation.
Is based on the approach of historian Martyn P. Thompson (analysis through the contextualization of the ideas)
Laura Camas Garrido
Aída Valero Moya
Quentin Skinner and John GA-Pocock: The importance of knowing not only the analysis of the meaning but also the intentions that induced the author to express such ideas
What is the intentionality that emerge in Addams' writings related to democracy and recreation?
5. The Socialisation of Democracy (I)
The idea of departure is that, in her attempt to socialise democracy, Jane Addams gave educational activities such as play a crucial place on the road to progress.
Socialization "diluted in a social environment" (Addams, 1902, p. 80).
Keys of Addams' thought
Democracy (beyond a political structure) as a way of life (ethos) that requires reviewable practice (Wendler, 2014).
- Needs the continuous reconstruction of the experience.
- Training democracy habits through creative and cultural activities.
4. The Socialisation of Democracy (II)
5. The Socialisation of Democracy (III)
- Two fundamental elements: democracy and the need for social interaction (Socialize democracy)
Settlements based on 3 ethical principles:
- Democracy as an expression of care (protection) and cooperation between people of different class or cultural backgrounds.
1) Teaching by example
2) Cooperation and Care
3) Equal relations between classes and different cultures
Sympatheic knowledge
The Hull House offered an extensive program of recreational activities.
[Recognition and active commitment towards the otherness]
• Organised and supervised play are MEANS that allowed the training democratic ethos.
• Mary Mcdowell [teacher at H-H] said:
Providing educational protection, care and supervision the cultivation of democracy:
• In public spaces such as playgrounds
• The first playground in Chicago (1984)
•Supervised and organised by kindergarten teachers and policemans.
“recreation is to me the renewing of life, and surely a democracy must have its life renewed all the time” (McDowell, 1913, p.192).
According to Addams’ assumption, there are two fundamental qualities of organized and supervised play:
-Imitation, where children learn to reproduce and anticipate life (continuous essay)
-Reminiscence as the encounter with the cultural and moral dimension (adaptation of primitive games to a more universal and valuable ones) (Addams, 1907)
Expressing the individual and cultural differences while playing ensure the construction of democracy because "the game is the guarantee of adult culture" (Addams, 1905, p. 542).
- It means the extension of the domestic practice
– Despite this, Addams is not an essentialist (Haslanger, 2017): everyone can develop these abilities. [I think]
-Addams combined feminist sensibilities with commitment to social betterment towards the inclusion of vulnerable groups.
Modern industrialised city disconsider to organise recreation
“Only the modern society have men concluded that it is no longer necessary for the municipality to provide for the insatiable desire for play…a difficult and dangerous experiment... of organizing work and failing to organize play ” (Addams, 1909, p.4-6).
Complutense University of Madrid, 2020