When is it due?
3 Weeks
The bylaws require the presentation be turned in and take place at maximum
after the conference is attended.
How Long Does it Have to Be?
Presentations take place during a regularly scheduled ASCC Senate Meeting.
All presentations must be made in person.
Each presentation should be
6 minutes
5 minutes=for the presentation
1 minutes=for Q&A
Where Do I Send It?
Please share/send 24 hours before your presentation so it can be posted on our website for others to learn from.
Can I view an example of what is expected?
Check this example out!
Why Do We Need to Report?
Check out Michiko's NASPA presentation: https://prezi.com/view/ZPhUyhMS43FpeT7MWQfM/
Thank You
1. ASCC Bylaws Require It
-Article IV, Sections 1-3
-We are spending college and students' money; we need proof of what we've learned!
2. It Helps Others Learn
-Others that didn't get to attend will get to learn from your experience and
for sharing your conference experience with us!
What do I report?
Section 1
Please share one memory from this conference you feel like will stick with you for a long time.
What workshops did I attend?
What is at least 1 thing I learned from EACH workshop?
Please include these initiatives in writing on the presentation.
Section 3: Actionables
Section 2
What is 1 new initiative I can create for the ASCC after attending this conference?
What will I now incorporate into my work in the ASCC because of this trip?
Please include these initiatives in writing on the presentation.
What were my top 3 take-aways (what I learned) from the conference?
Please include these initiatives in writing on the presentation.
It is a real privilege to get to travel for student leadership!
ASCC Post-Conference report