Standard Manuscript Format
A Basic Guide
In the Upper
Left-Hand Corner
The Font
12-point Courier
(deliberately mimicking a typewriter)
In the upper right-hand corner of every subsequent page:
Surname / Title / Page #
Your Legal Name
Your Address
Your Contact Info (email/phone #)
this is the only section that should be single-spaced
Word Count
- upper right-hand corner
- round to the nearest hundred
- Scene ends. [enter]
- Hashtag. [enter]
- Next scene begins.
space for editors to leave instructions for the typesetters
The Title
- Center and place halfway down the page.
- Use the same size and font as rest of text -- no quotation marks, all-caps, bold, etc.
- Follow with byline (your name or nom de plume)
Underline text that you want to show up italicized.
The Body of the Text
- Align-left
- Double-space
- One-inch margins all around
If your story ends close to the bottom of the page, you may want to type a centered "END" or "###" to avoid confusion.