mom's side
my grandpa's parents
dad's side
job: oil merchant
my grandpa
magarasi ammal
job: farmer
dad's side
mohan arunachalam
my grandma's parents
my grandpa's parents
job: timber merchant
arunachalam, job: not known
marriage date not known
kaliammal, job: housewife
jeba mani
job: teacher
marriage date not known
my grandma's parents
my grandma
not known
nesa mani
job: teacher
jane saroja
job: teacher
great grandparents
mom's side
Samson Family History
my grandpa
koilpillai ponraj isaac
job: christian missionary
my grandma
ebenezar gnanajothi chellabai
job: teacher
they were married on may 5th, 1967.
From one generation to the other, most of my family has been born and raised in india. after me and my sister were born in india, because of my dad's job, we have been moving from country to country. in each country, we usually live there for at least four years and then move again.
MY DAd's name is Samson jeyakumar mohan. he was born on december 8th, 1971 in the city of chennai, tamilnadu in india. he works with world vision, a relief and development organization.
The meaning of Samson
they were married on december 29th, 2000.
The name Samson is a Hebrew name which means "sun child" or "bright sun."
my mom's name is jemima ponraj. she was born on november 22nd, 1972 in the city of chennai, tamilnadu in india.
family crest
our family has no family crest because in india, we go by the caste system. a caste is a form of social ranking characterized by a person's lifestyle which often includes occupation, status in a hiearchy and social interaction and exclusion.