Dr. Irving King Jordan, Jr.
The First Deaf President of Gallaudet University
Accident Causing Deafness
Search for a New President- Deaf President Now Movement
Early Life
- 1966 enrolled at Gallaudet University knowing no sign language
- "I was a hearing person who couldn't hear" -King
- In 1968 married Linda Marie Kephart
- Had 2 children
- Graduated in 1970 with a B.A. in Psychology, and went to Univ. of Tennessee for postgraduate work
- Earned his Masters in 1971, and Doctorate in 1973
- Returned to Gallaudet and joined the Department of Psychology
- Became an assistant professor, then associate professor, then full professor, then department chair, then Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
- In 1965, age 21, King Jordan, Jr. was riding his motorcycle back to the barracks one evening
- A car heading in the opposite direction turned into his path and he was thrown over the hood and went through the windshield
- The rearview mirrors cracked open his skull and broke his jaw
- He was rushed to the George Washington University Medical Center
- He survived, but was hospitalized for 14 months
- Cranial Nerve VIII had been severed, resulting in profound deafness
- Doctors initially thought the deafness would be temporary
- In 1987 the current President of Gallaudet resigned
- King decided to seek the position of President
- Alumni and other advocates urged for the selection of a deaf president
- He was one of 3 final candidates, and 2 of which were Deaf
- Students, faculty, and staff started the Deaf President Now rally on March 1st, 1988
- On March 6th, voted 10-4 in favor of Zinser
- Initially King Jordan, Jr. took a "hands-off" position
- March 9th, met with Zinser and 4 student leaders
- Students refused to support Zinser
- Jordan affirmed his support for Zinser
- Born in Glen Riddle, PA on June 16th, 1943
- Describes himself as a "very...average student"
- Not motivated to attend college
- Enlisted in the Navy after High School
Final Results of Deaf President Now
A New life
Dr. Irving King Jordan, Jr. contributions to Deaf World
- Zinser resigned when realizing the enormity of the DPN movement
- The board reunited, King was phone-paged and informed that he was chosen as president
- Unanimous votes for King
- Celebrations began
- March 13th,1988 elected as the First Deaf President of Gallaudet University
- Monday March 14th, 1988, first day as president
- Torn between Deaf and Hearing worlds once having hearing taken away
- After coming to terms with his deafness, he moved on with his new life
- "Gallaudet changed my life. When I learned about Gallaudet and visited, I saw that there are many deaf people who are very happy and well adjusted. It took me some time, but finally I realized I was permanently deaf and began to learn how to be a deaf person."
- Became interested in pursuing an education
- Gallaudet saw an increase in funding under King's presidency
- Added raised platforms to lecture halls to better see professors
- Introduced new technology to improve students' communication
- King retired as Gallaudet's President in 2006
More contributions to Deaf World
Armstrong, D.F. (2007). SLS Interview: With I. King Jordan. Retrieved from https://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/sign_language_studies/v007/7.3jordan.pdf
Caseykins. (2009, May 15). I. King Jordan: Deaf Leader. Retrieved from https://ifmyhandscouldspeak.wordpress.com/2009/05/15/i-king-jordan-deaf-leader/
Gallaudet University. Dr. I. King Jordan Short Biography. Retrieved from https://www.gallaudet.edu/history/presidents/jordan-iking.html
- Spokesperson for Deaf and hard of hearing people
- An advocate for people with disabilities all over the world
- An overall positive mindset that Deaf people CAN achieve high aspirations
- Famous quote: "Deaf people can do anything hearing people can do, except hear." -King