- Country clubs and retailers
- Employ people with strong marketing skills
- Sales presentations
- Free trials
- Financing plan
Economic analysis
- use to identify potential clients and opportunities
- highlight strengths in product
- general survey
- organic farms
- poultry and other livestock farms
- breweries
- country clubs
- bio-fuels
- retailers
Factors To Consider
- Fertilizer
- Nitrogen
- Pesticides
- Water
- Project Scope
- Factors To Consider
- Economic and Environmental Benefits
- Conclusion
Economic and Environmental Benefits
- Water Retention
- Nutrient Holding
- Leaching
- Organic
Marketing Strategies
- get in contact with potential buyers
- set up a meeting (sales call)
- offer free presentation
- trials & free samples
- community marketing (conducting a survey)
- social media
- ask for referrals
- ads in retail stores
- ads in magazines, newspapers
- trade shows
Business Opportunities
- Local agriculture (farms)
- Beer breweries
- Country club/golf course
- Supply chain of biofuels
- Homeowners through retailers
Project Scope
- Understand current situation on the market (Delmarva peninsula)
- Identify opportunities/find a niche
- Create market penetration strategy
- Create a possible questionnaire
- Financial aspect (analysis)
- 2011 The Biochar Company was formed by two of the original founders of Eco Technologies Group
- Funded by American Refining & Biochemical and AllWebCafe
- 2012 The Biochar Company merged with Hawaii Products
- 2013 The Biochar Company merged with Biochar Solutions Inc. (pioneers in the industry and leaders in the realm of biochar productions, sales, R&D and product development).
- TBC is one of eleven finalists in Virgin Earth Challenge
The Biochar Company brands
The Industry
- The biochar industry is about 9 years old
- with just over 100 commercial outfits worldwide, the vast majority of which are using non-scalable production techniques.
- No NAICS code to depict the product (only as a fertilizer)
- Biochar is a one time application carbon product that increases water holding capacity and nutrient efficiency for centuries
- No regulatory issues within currently regarding use of soil amendments
- The infantile industry struggles with
-supply availability
-product consistency
-high price point
-annual paradigms of consumers