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Plot Diagram


By: Sylvia Plath


The exposition is when Millicent is being initiated into the sorority (in the basement).

Rising Action

1). Betsy telling Millicent that she is a candidate for the sorority and her telling her what to do/watch out for

2). Millicent meeting Bev and doing her chores around the house (making her bed etc.)

3). Herb comes up to Millicent in the hallway on purpose to make her talk but she can't talk to him or she will be expelled from the sorority.

4). Bev makes Millicent ask the people on the bus what they have for breakfast, to humiliate her (part of the initiation process).

5). Millicent meets the old man on the bus and is told about the mythical heather birds.


Millicent is in the attic and realizes that it is better to be a "heather bird" and stand out and be an a original then to be a "sparrow" and be know as just another sorority girl and have no meaning to your name.

Falling Action

Thinking about how to explain her situation to Rat Court and to Louis. Also how she will continue to be friends with everyone.


The melody of the heather birds that soared through her and the final feeling of her final decision.

By: Isabelle Mahaffy

Hr. 3

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