How a Nuclear Power Plant Functions
Critical Mass
Critical mass is the minimum amount of fissionable material needed to sustain the reaction
Uncontrolled Reactor
Chain Reaction
The process of fission releases neutrons, which then become the reactants to split other nuclei
Low Level Waste
High Level Waste
-Waste has much lower energy
-Stored in safe facilities
-Radioactivity will fall to a much safer level in up to 50 years
Uncontrolled Nuclear Reactions
-Much higher level
-Buried in concrete
An uncontrolled reactions occurs when:
-A chain reaction is not slowed down
-The rate of fission then continues to increase
-Energy from fission is released too quickly
-The reactor core in turn becomes a bomb
Nuclear Waste
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Fusion
-Nuclei fuse together to produce a heavier nuclei
-The highly radioactive waste is usually stored underground. It has an extremely long half life
-The waste must be stored carefully away from major human life
-While still being studied, controlled fusion would allow an unlimited supply of fuel for fusion reactors
-The end products are generally stable
Nuclear Power Plant Cutaway
Nuclear Fission
Nucelear Fission occurs when heavy, unstable neucleii split to become more stable. The process realeses large amounts of energy
How it all Works
-The heat from the reaction heats water around a series of coils
-It becomes steam
-The steam rotates a turbine, which powers a generator
-The generator produces electricity
U.S. Power Nuclear Power Plant Locations
Control Rods
Fuel Rods within a Reactor
-The fuel rods in the reactor contain Uranium-235
-They are enclosed around water to decrease the speed of the neutrons so the reaction is kept under control
-Control rods are used to slow the rate the reaction occurs
-If they are moved in, the reaction slows, if they are moved out, the reaction increases
-They are made of substances that can absorb the neutrons, such as boron