Chapter 1
Applied Anatomy & Physiology
Four types of bone:
- Flat Bones: Quite Large & usually protect vital organs.
- Long Bones: gross (large) Movements
- Short bones: Finer, controlled movements
- irregular: shaped to protect
The Structure & Functions of the Skeleton
The skeletal system provides a framework for the muscular system to produce movement.
Musculoskeletal System:
The name used to describe the muscular system and the skeletal system working together.
Functions of the skeleton
1: Support
2: Protection
3: Movement
4: Structural Shape & points for attachment
5: mineral storage
6: Blood cell production
Articulating bones
Bones that meet at a joint
enable movement
- Shoulder: scapula, clavicle, humerus
- elbow: humerus, radius, ulna
- hip: pelvis, femur
- knee: femur, patella,fibula, tibia
- ankle: tibia, fibula, talus