How the kite is used
the kite is used by holding on to a handle like object at the bottom of the string that keeps the kite all together. The main key is that the weather needs to be windy to pull along the kite so that it glides. If there is no wind the kite will have trouble flying in the air.
Its Effects Now and in the Future
The kite has effected us now by it used in the past as a secret weopen and now as a childrens toy. Children like to play with kites and like the different shapes of the kites like how the eagle was shaped. It is interesting how something used in a way to help them in battle is now for children all around the world to play with. I think it will effect us in the future by getting more high tech and becoming away to connect to people like phones but in a technological way.
Ancient Chinese Kite
Term 2, 2014
By Olivia Wilkinson 7.14
Why the Kite Was Invented
the kite was invented to scare enemies in battle. This happened by the shape and size of the kite. the kite was shaped as an eagle and it was big so that it worried the enemy. This kite also had realistic features. the legs and tolons would move just like an eagles and so would the wings. It was a 3D kite which gave it alot of effect against the enemy. Its beak looked sharp and three dimensional like a real one. When the kite landed it gave it alot of effect of looking like it was hunting its prey
How and when the kite was made
I am doing my presentation on the invention of the kite. The very first kite was created by a Chinese man named Mozi. He was also a philosopher. He built the very first kite about 3000 years ago in 770BC. The very first kite was made with bamboo frames covered paper and silk.
By Olivia Wilkinson
Ancient Chinese Kites