Expected Rosarian Behavior
- sit like a queen/king
- observe cleanliness
- no vandalism
- show reverence upon entering and going out of the church.
- handle lab materials h care
- observe rules and regulations
- breakage/damages should be reported immediately
Stairs, corridors, ledges
Cyber world
- observe the values of truth and respect
- use the gadgets responsibly
- always keep right
- silence along the corridors
- sitting on ledges s not safe
- "first come, first serve" basis
- always keep the place neat and orderly
Inside/Outside the school
- Prescribed cut is 2"x3", clean cut and should be maintained throughout the year.
- Haircut is inspected every first Monday of the month.
- Girls should keep their hair well comb and tidy.
- observe proper Christian decorum
- avoid unbecoming behavior especially when in uniform
- do not loiter and litter
- order in going and exiting
- silence and neatness are observed
- refinement in words and actions
- pray reverently before and after classes
- no eating inside the classroom
- greet teachers/visitor/authority as a sign of respect
- observe the use of "permit to leave"
- cleanliness and orderliness is everyone's responsibility
Offenses and Sanction
- observe courtesy and good manners always
- follow office hours and rules
- students are not allowed inside the faculty room
- Students are considered late after 7:10 a.m. and
after 1:10 p.m.
- Latecomers must secure an admission slip before entering the class.
- Students who accumulated 3 late coming will be given one posting as scheduled.
- During break time, the students are considered late if they enter the class five minutes after the next class schedule.
The meaning of each ringing bells:
First bell 7:05 line formation 1 long bell
Second bell 7:10 Morning Ritual 2 short bells
Third bell 7:30 Start of the first Period 3 short bells
Starts of every period
- One long bell for every change of period
- 3 short bells start of every period
1:05 Dominican Blessing 1 long bell
1:10 Start of First Period in the Afternoon 3 short bells
Identification card
- Each student shall receive the prescribed identification card, which he/she wears upon entering and while inside the school premises.
- Minor Offense (light offenses)
- Major Offenses (serious or grave offenses)
a. Category A
b. Category B
c. Category C
What will happen?
Leaving the classroom campus
Any student using and/or bringing any electronic gadget will be confiscated by any school personnel or teacher.
Welcome back to school
- Classroom interruption is kept minimum, callers (parents, etc.) must see directly the principal’s office for permission.
- Students are called out of the class only for a very serious or urgent reason and with the permission of the Principal.
- Permission to go out of the classroom for personal necessities is granted for one student at a time. The student should bring the classroom permit to leave card.
- Regular attendance in all classes is expected to all
- Attendance will be checked daily, every period,
morning and afternoon.
- Students who comes ten (10) minutes after the change of the period are considered absent and must secure an admission slip from the Prefect of Discipline in class.
- Excused tardiness are those for which reasonable reasons are given: while breakdown, inclement weather and illness.
- Any further violation, parent conference shall take place.
1. If you have been absent, you must bring an excuse letter from the parent/guardian noted by the adviser; it must be submitted to the Prefect of Discipline to secure an admission slip and to be presented to the teacher’s concerned upon entering the class.
2. For a three consecutive absences, parent/guardian is required to report to the class adviser.
3. In case of sickness, a medical certificate has to be presented and an excuse letter from the parent/guardian.
4. Appointment with doctors/dentists other than the
school services should be made outside the school time,
otherwise missing classes are considered absent.
PE Uniform
- Prescribed jogging pants and t-shirt
- Rubber shoes
- Plain white socks
- Identification card, rosary beads, novena booklet
- Oral reprimand
- Written warning
- Restitution of property
- Payment of damages
- Deprivation to hold any office in a club or removal from the office
- Fine
- Withdrawal of privileges
- Posting Note/Community service/Formative task
- Non-issuance of Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Non-joining the graduation ceremony
- Suspension
- Punishment
- Disciplinary Probation (Discipline Agreement)
- Non-Readmission (NTBR)
- Dismissal/Exclusion
If such electronic gadgets be confiscated for the second time, such items will be returned to the parents at the end of the said school year.
Cutting Classes
- A student who cheats on a quiz, seatwork, assignment and/or test shall receive a zero grade on such activities and shall be reported to the POD.
- Parents/guardian will be informed.
- White polo with school seal on the pocket
- Plain white undershirt
- Khaki shorts (elementary)
- Khaki pants (Junior High School)
- Black pants (Senior High School)
(denim pants, hip hop, six pockets are not allowed)
- Black leather shoes
- Plain white socks (Junior High School)
- Plain black socks (Senior High School)
- Identification card, rosary beads, novena booklet
- A student is considered cutting classes when he/she does not attend one or more classes without permission from proper authorities whether he/she is in campus or off-campus. He /she will be marked absent.
- Excused from class, even for one period, maybe granted by the Academic Coordinator and Activity Coordinator.
- Student who has been absent for even one period without permission from authorities, may re-enter the class with the admission slip by the Prefect of Discipline.
- A student called by any school official during class hour is not considered absent from class, provided he/she must present a letter signed by the person who called him/her from class to the teacher.
Gadget Regulation
Checking of attendance includes:
- Mocca short sleeves with tie (Elementary)
- Mocca long sleeves with tie (Junior High School)
- Mocca long sleeve with longer tie (Senior High School)
- Gala (white long sleeves)
- Black leather shoes but not high-heeled or sandal (Elementary & Junior High)
- Black high-heeled leather shoes without socks (Senior High School)
- While lady undershirt
- Plain white socks (Elementary & Junior High School)
- Identification card, rosary beads, novena booklet
- Bringing, possessing, and using of mobile phones and other electronic gadgets inside the campus is highly regulated.
- Anyone who is caught violating these regulations shall warrant for the confiscation of the mobile phone or other electronic gadgets.
- The students are allowed to make use of their mobile phones including other electronic gadgets in the occasions enumerated herein but not limited to the following:
- complete uniform
- prescribed haircut (for the boys)
- rosary beads or novena
- identification card
a. When it will be used for academic instructions like reporting, etc.; these gadgets will be turned over to the subject teacher or to the office of the POD after the respective class schedule.
b. When there is an activity that does not relate to academic instructions inside the classroom such as foundation, family day, Christmas party, educational tour, and the like.
c. When the school participates in any affair in other places such as Traslacion, parades, etc.
Violation shall warrant any of the following:
a. Improper/incomplete violation slip
b. Confiscation
c. Non-joining to any activity; or non-admission in the campus
d. Posting note shall be issued for the violation of these rules
for the third time
Daily Disciplinary Policies
These are daily disciplinary policies and by nature have their separate sanctions. But continuous violation of these rules shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions.
- Attendance
- Punctuality
- Uniform (Hair Regulation, ID)
- Gadget Regulation
- Cutting Classes
- Leaving the classroom and campus
- Cheating Regulation
Office of the
Prefect of Discipline