Chivalric Code
Courtly Love
- Respect of women
- Knights wore their woman's color in battle to show respect
- Non- sexual love
- Loyal
- Never attack an unarmed person
- Live for freedom, justice, and all that is good
- Never lie and remain faithful to your word
- Avoid lying, cheating and torture
- Love your country
- System of ethical ideals
- Defend the weak
- Courteous to all women
- Loyal to king
- Serve God at all times
Chivalry and Courtly Love
Cassidy, Kassidy, and Katie
How did they come together?
"Idealized attitude towards women"
- Put women higher than themselves
- Worship the women
- Non-sexual
1. What was the code the knights lived by?
2. What was courtly love?
3. How did chivalry and courtly love come together?
4. How did the knights show respect towards women in battle?
5. Name one of the parts of the Chivalric code.