direct messaging (private)
#m161 (hr 9) worked on 2.7 and 2.8 last night. Kind of had fun :) Just need to study for the exam
#m161 (hr 21) done with the 3.1s, starting 3.2
#m161 (hr 18) keep forgetting to update this. Finished 3.1A yesterday and on to 3.1B.
#m161 (hr 23) trying the activities for 3.4 because i got stuck on 3.4C.
#m161 (hr 21) it seems like this chapter got a lot easier as it progressed. cranking through 2.7 before hockey.
#m161 clawing my way through 3.7
For every hour they study for Calculus, students should answer the question:
"What are you learning?
#m161 (hr 103): Learned the first two parts of the chain rule HW, but I'm not seeing how I choose the u-subs, or WHY I do that anyways.
Failed Experiment
Twitter for other student projects ...
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Originally the question was "What are you studying?"
I realized later that I was asking the wrong question.
Good tweet:
#m161 (hr 103): Studied 4.3 for one hour.
Bad tweet:
Tweeting for Accountability
(and learning)
What can
you DO with
Stay in touch with colleagues
140 characters
It's so hot:
The Calculus Tweetwars
Twitter 101
More visibility and course integration
but I learned how to improve the next try
m161 List
not an option in first attempt
More Tweeting Practice
I need to model what I want to see in the Tweetstream.
What I want to see instead ...
What is it like to take an online class?
Illustration by Mat Moore
Freelance Illustrator