Young people preferred to stay single, marry late and have children later
The emancipation of women: Women felt there career progression were more important than starting a family. Women are more highly educated and join the workforce .
Economic Implications......
Singapore Population Policy
By Emma, Emily and Anna
Thank You for listening, enjoy completing the quiz based on Singapore's population policy.
5 year plans- Campaign to stop at two
1st plan: Need for smaller families
2nd plan: Stop at two policy- 1966
3rd plan: Maintain population at 2.1 children per family
Results of Anti-Natal population policy
Government Strategy:
Reduce and Control
-Number of births fell from 6+ children per family in 1966 to 2 children per family in 1981.
- In 1975, the birthrate reached the desired level of 2.1 babies born per women.
-Implementations of 5 year plans
-Legalizing use of contraceptives and sterilization
-Financial disincentives
But there were problems.........
social Implications......
Policy was effective and successful
Financial disincentives:
- No paid maternity leave for 3rd child+
- No housing priority's given to larger families
Children became a financial burden:
Loss of income + Increased tax + Increased bills = Financial Burden
Change in attitudes towards marriage and children
-Unemployment -Insufficient Healthcare service
-Shortage of housing - Insufficient education
Government strategy: Reduce and control
People realized that having more children is an additional burden due to the high costs associated with a higher standard of living
Greater stress on the working population=
- Heavier tax
- More resources spent on the elderly
-Less resources available for the nation to develop
Education and housing became increasingly more costly
-Peace and Stability
-More children meant more security in old age
- A population increase of 0.5 million between 1950 - 60.
- Fewer people for national service
-Resulting in a weaker defence force.
Problems with slow population growth.....
- Set to control population growth as a result of the post World War 2 baby boom. More children meant........
Aging Population
- Fewer younger people= Disproportionate to older people - Unbalanced demographic.
- Greater need for healthcare and social services
-More resources needed to take care of the increased number of elderly population.
This led to the installment of Singapore's second population policy, the Pro- natal scheme designed to increase birthrate, introduced in the 1980's.
Anti-Natal Policy: 1950's- 60's
The graduate mothers scheme :
Trend of educated women:
-Marrying Later
-Bearing less children
Government Strategy: Promote population growth
Prime minister Lee: "Female graduates should have more children" - new generation will be more educated
- The graduate mothers scheme
- Three more if you can afford it
-Pro-family measures
-Attracting foreign talent
-Introduced in 1984
-Encourage marriage and children amongst graduates
Three or more if you can afford it :
- Launched in 1987
- Aimed to bring the birth rate back up to and equivalent of2.1 births per women.
Singapore Population Policy's
-They encouraged people to have three or more children if they could afford it.
Anti-Natal policy: 1950's- 60's
Pro- Natal policy: 19
-Creates more jobs and increases productivity
-Boost quality of workforce
-Attract MNC'S investments and income
- Increase the total population of Singapore
-Makes Singapore a more cosmopolitan country
Introduced measures such as allowing the use of 'Medisave' to pay for the delivery charges of the first few children .
Other pro-family measures:
Attracting foreign talent.....
- Equal medical benefits for both parents.
- 5-day work for civil service (work-life balance).
- Grandparent carer relief (tax relief of $3000) for caring for a child.
-Extended maternity leave of 8-12 weeks.
Foreign talents help t0.....
This meant:
-Reduced financial burden
-Less expensive to have kids
-More time to care for kids
Permanent residence and citizenship was encouraged
Most importantly it encouraged parents to have children.
- Relaxed immigration policy
-Easier entry into Singapore
-Subsidized housing
-Attractive education package