California Floristic Province
Endemic Plant
Socioeconomic Conditions
- Largest economy in all of the U.S.
- 1/2 of all the agricultural products consumed.
- Farming
By: Agustin Cardano
- Includes most of the state of California, a part of southwest Oregon, a very small bit of western Nevada, and a portion of Northern Baja California.
Endemic Animal
Type of Ecosystem
- Mediterranean ecosystem characterized by hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters.
What is a hotspot?
Decreasing Biodiversity
- Biogeographic region that is both a significant reservoir of biodiversity and is threatened with destruction.
- 37% of the total land area of the California Floristic Province is under official protection.
- Use of land for agriculture and housing, dam construction, overuse of water, destructive recreation, and mining.
- Humans
Protecting the Hotspot
Additional Information
Works Cited
- The hotspot has a higher level of endemism in plants than animals.
- The state of California is home to an estimated 28,000 species of insects, 32 percent of which are endemic.
- More species of birds breed in this region than anywhere else in the United States.