"If I'm not going to be part of the greatest, I've got to be the greatest myself"
- Persist at things until you succeed
- Don't give up no matter how hard the challenge
- Try and stay positive when learning
- Look for the positives when things become challenging
- Concentrate on your work
- Ignore distractions
- Stay involved in every task (don't lose focus)
- Set small targets which you can achieve
- Have something to strive for
Determined Hardworking Responsible Motivated Training Commitment
Learning from mistakes Having a plan
Experts in their sport Thinking through tactics
Analysing their races Not giving up Focused Having the best support/equipment
- Use resources that you are given more effectively
- Use your initiative and tackle learning yourself
- Try solving a problem in different ways
- Try and gather information from a range of resources
- Ask probing questions to find out detail
- Try to find out what, where, when, who, where, why and how
- Use friends, teachers, parents and experts to help your learning
2820 responsible merit points