- Historical Context
- Political Socialization
- Winner-take-all, Single member district, Plurality
Each district has one winner (single member district)
Each district is winner-take-all
District boundaries draw to create safe seats
Political Parties
Three Faces of the Party
- Choose Candidates
- Organize Elections
- Operate Gov't
- Make Policy (Platform and Planks)- Economic, Domestic, International
- Oppose the party in control
Members of the Voting Public that have become party members
Era of Divided Government
New Deal Era
Origins of the two-party system
Back to Two Party Rule
Post war Democratic/
Duel-Federalist Period
Republicans Growth and Progressive movement
- Democrats
- Republicans
- Progressive Parties
- Democrats
- Whigs (formerly the Democratic-Republicans)- Formed the Republicans as the Civil War approached
- Federalists
- Anti-federalists (became the Democratic-Republicans or Jeffersonian Republicans
Era of Good Feelings
Exists on three levels
- National
- State
- Local (Party Machine)
Our major parties are large groups of people that encompass a wide range of political issues
- The two party system is historically based in the Federalist/Anti-Federalist Movements
The structure that organizes elections, chooses candidates, etc.
Examine the dealignment and
realignment of the parties in the timeline.
Were any of these states a function of tipping?
National Party Organization
- Powered by the National Committee (lead by the party chairman- Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D), Reince Priebus (R))
- Raises Campaign Funds
- Maintains Relationships with the State Parties
- Organizes the Party Convention
- Decides the delegate rules (who gets to come to the convention and participate)
- Decides the proportion of delegates per state to the convention
- Apportions funds to races around the country
Core Constituents
- Upper-income
- Business People
- Evangenical Christians
- Sub-urban, Rural Dwellers
Core Constituents
- Low-income
- Minorities
- Educational professionals
- City Dwellers
Third Parties
Ideological Parties- Party that represents one interest
- Ex. Green Party, Rent is too damn high party, Politicians are corrupt party (AKA Politicos son corruptos)
Splinter Parties- Unhappy major party members that form their own party
Local Party Organization (Machine)
- Known historically for patronage
- Grassroots campaigning (National, State, Local Elections)- Foot Soldiers
- Base of recruiting new membership (although this is changing in the digital age)
State Party Organization
- Powered by the State Central Committee (lead by the party chairman)
- Organize State Convention
- Raises Campaign Funds
- Decides where to distribute campaign funds
- Maintains Relationships with Local Party Machines
- Decides on day of National Primary/Caucus
- Decides how to split the delegates they are alotted
- Decides the types of Primary/Caucus
Economic Beliefs
- Lower Budget for Social Programs
- Less Government regulation of Business
- Higher Military Budgets
Social Beliefs
- Marriage between men and women
- Pro-life
- Religious involvement in government
Economic Beliefs
- Higher Social Program Budgets
- More Business Regulation
Social Beliefs
- Gay Marriage
- Pro-choice
- Separation between Church and States
Party in Government
Those elected to an office in the government from a party
Goals- Make policy, enact policy, oppose the party in power (divided government- often a result of ticket splitting: when a person votes for multiples parties on the same ballot)
The United States 2-Party system brings together a coalition of diverse interest and people as illustrated by the different groups that align with the parties above.
Leadership in Congress and Presidency are a mix of governmental and party positions
Most members of Congress are more loyal to their constituency (group/area they represent) than their party
- Party unity is enforced through a rank and file system