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A scientific way to match readers with text.
Marie Holbein (2010) explains that successful IRI’s include teacher dialogue. This makes the assessment socially interactive. Teachers should be aware of how they impact student by how they talk to them and model language.
Although a student may be an excellent reader, it is incorrect to assume that he or she will comprehend text typically found at a higher grade level. A high Lexile measure for a student in one grade indicates that the student can read grade-level-appropriate materials at a very high comprehension rate.
The student may not have the background knowledge or maturity to understand
material written for an
older audience.
Culturally sensitive assessments
Learning disabilities
Socio economics
Represents a student's ability level in comparison to students who were in the specific test's norming group
Grades can be misinterpreted to as being a grade level standard
Should provide little to no assistance
Assist but not help
Collect data
The Lexile measure represents a student's level on a developmental scale of reading ability
Students are given a score range to select books based on text difficulty
Should measure qualitative measures:
semantic errors
Reading Rockets (2016) Informal Reading Inventory (Qualitative Reading Inventory) Referenced on November 22, 2016 from http://www.readingrockets.org/article/informal-reading-inventory-qualitative-reading-inventory
Russell, C. (2013). FOUR DECADES OF INFORMAL READING INVENTORIES. Review Of Higher Education & Self-Learning, 6(22), 1-21.
Wilson, K. (2008). Facilitator talk in EAP reading classes. ELT Joumal, 62{A), 366-375
Culican, S. J. (2007). Trouble teacher talk: The challenge of changing classroom discourse patterns. The Australian Educational Researcher, 34(2), 7-2
Holbein, M. F., & Harkins, D. M. (2010). AN INVESTIGATION OF TEACHER TALK DURING THE ADMINISTRATION OF AN INFORMAL READING INVENTORY. College Reading Association Yearbook, (31), 237-249.
Moe, A.J. & Woods, M. L. (2015) Analytical Reading Inventory: Comprehensive Standards-Based Assessment for All Students Including Gifted and Remedial, Tenth Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.
Common Core Standards utilize text complexity as a way to develop reading skills in a systematic way that can be applied to more difficult text.
Even those students who may fall into the lower end of a Lexile band are required to work hard to read certain text from those chosen at a higher Lexile range.
Challenging students to read on the higher end of their Lexile range builds literacy gains and challenges students to read at higher levels.
How comprehension questions are issued
A student may be able to answer a question correctly without even reading about something the question was based on just through past experience. Students must read the passage in order to answer the question.
If a rural student is asked to read about the city, they may not have the opportunity to properly access prior knowledge.
If a Native American student is asked to examine an Asian folk tale, the same can be said.
This affects comprehension.
IRI measures comprehension, fluency, grade level reading, oral reading accuracy and vocabulary. It is a qualitative measure which is completed as an on going assessment through a student’s school years. It is usually given up to three times a year, especially in primary grades.
Students ability to read with speed, accuracy, and proper expression and understand or connect to what they are reading.
Vocabulary refers to the words children must know to communicate effectively.
Oral reading accuracy provides the teacher with insight into a student's ability to use strategies to decode unfamiliar words.
Per Scholastics.com
A student receives his or her Lexile measure from one of two ways: taking a school-administered test, which is specifically designed to measure Lexile or reading ability or by taking a standardized reading test
which converts the reader’s results
to a Lexile measure.
Based on Jim Harvey's speech structures