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Conflict in Treasure Island

X marks the spot!

Or does it?

Conflict #3 (cont.)


This conflict is resolved when Dr. Livsey, Abraham Gray, and Ben Gunn save Jim and Long John Silver and then they all end up splitting the treasure (along with Captain Smollett.)

By: Steven Walter

Conflict #3 (cont.)

Conflict #3


The third major conflict is that there is a treasure to be found, and multiple people want the treasure.

Importance to Plot:

This conflict has a large importance to the plot. This is because the fact that there is a treasure, and multiple people want it creates conflict between them, which drives the whole story.

Characters Involved:

  • Dr. Livsey
  • Flint's old crew (mainly Long John Silver)
  • Ben Gunn

Conflict #2 (cont.)


This conflict is resolved when the "honest" part of the crew defeats the mutineers (the mutineers aren't all defeated at once, and Long John Silver switches sides).

Conflict #2 (cont.)

Importance to Plot:

This conflict definitely creates lots of suspense and adds excitement to the plot. Also, it drives most of the story after the crew sets sail to find the treasure.

Conflict #2


The second major conflict is that the crew is divided (mutineers vs. rest of crew).

Characters Involved:

  • Crew (Dr. Livsey, Jim, etc.)
  • Mutineers (Long John Silver, Israel Hands, and the other pirates.)

Thank you!

Conflict #1 (cont.)


This conflict is resolved mainly when Billy dies, but it is not truly resolved because the effects of the conflict do not go away.

Conflict #1 (cont.)

Importance to Plot:

This conflict has a huge importance on plot. This is because it is basically the foundation for the rest of the plot and conflicts. If Billy Bones had never came into the inn, Jim and his mom would have never gotten involved with the pirates. This conflict is very significant to the plot.

Conflict #1


The first major conflict is that Billy Bones, also known as "the captain", decides to stay at the Admiral Benbow (Jim and his mother's inn). At first, he is just a sort of annoyance. However, him staying at the inn caused Jim and his mother to get involved with the pirates.

Characters Involved:

  • Jim Hawkings
  • Jim's mom
  • Billy Bones
  • Dr. Livesey
  • Other Pirates
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