What's the same?
What's different?
Let's start with the differences...
- 1997
- Transdisciplinary Concepts and Skills
- Programme of inquiry, including scope and sequence documents for six subject areas
- Teaching through six transdisciplinary themes
- Units of inquiry within each
- transdisciplinary theme, incorporating the learning of language, mathematics, social studies, science, the arts and personal, social and physical education
- Prescribed planner to support inquiry
- Exhibition
- Internal assessment
- Action
1.Inquiry-based approach
2. Culminating activity
3. Learner Profile
4. Support for mother-tongue development and additional language
- 1969
- Theory of knowledge
- Six groups of subjects with detailed syllabus and assessment guides
- Teaching through six subject groups connected by theory of knowledge
- Course outlines for each subject including theory of knowledge, extended essay and creativity, action, service (Language A1, Second language, Individuals and societies, Experimental sciences, Mathematics and computer science, The arts)
- Extended essay
- External moderation of internal assessment and external exams
- Prescribed curriculum
- 1994
- Approaches to learning
- Eight subject areas with aims and objectives and assessment criteria
- Teaching through eight subject areas connected through five areas of interaction
- Units of work in each subject area, with some interdisciplinary units of work, focused on the areas of interaction (Language A, Language B, Humanities, Sciences, Mathematics, Arts, Physical education, Technology)
- Recommended planner for units of work
- Personal Project
- Internal assessment with external moderation upon request
- Community and service