The Williams Treaty
What was involved with the signing
- The complete loss of fishing & hunting rights for Aboriginals on surrounded lands.
Who were the signatories
When the Treaty was signed
Where was the signing take place
- Canada & Ontario agreed that a new Treaty should be undertaken with the Ojibway peoples that is living in Central Ontario.
- By the northern shore of Lake Ontario, about one township in depth between the Trent River & The Etobicoke River.
- The treaty took place between The Chippewa Indians & The Mississauga Indians.
- The treaty was signed in 1923
Why was the treaty signed
Who benefits from treaties
- The treaty was signed for the surrender of lands in Central Ontario & The Northern Shore of Lake Ontario
- Treaties were the Aboriginals signed nothing but a blank piece of paper.
- They lost their rights to hunting, fishing or trapping on any of this land.
- The worst fears of many Aboriginals to the west had finally come true.