The mercury barometer is the earliest barometer was created by an Italian mathematician.
There are various types of barometers such as the water barometer aneroid barometer and the mercury barometer.
A barometer is an instrument used to measure air pressure.The barometer measures air pressure in various kinds of units ..
A torricellian barometer sometimes called a mercury barometer is an inverted upside-down glass tube standing in a bath mercury.Air pressure pushes down on the surface of mercury making some rise up the tube.
The greater the air pressure the higher the mercury rises.That's how a barometer works.
A barometer rising barometer means sunny and dry conditions,round with words.
A barometer tells you wheather or not the pressure is rising or falling.
A barometer was invented in 1643 and the inventor's name is Evangelista Torricelli.
A barometer is used to calibrate and check aneroid.
Barometer information