Fighting for an Aryan Homeland:
Harold Covington and the Northwest Front
Article By: George Michael
Presentation by: Michael Bozek
The Northwest Handbook
Writing Career
- Covington believes the life of the white race is at stake
- whites will no longer be the majority race by 2050
- for now the movement is unlikely to succeed
- government would not allow it
- white man has no character to take a stand
- however, movements like the Northwest Front among others could eventually gain traction
- challenges to America's national identity
- creed more than race and ethnicity
- economic problems make it harder to attain American dream
- people may eventually turn to domestic terrorist movements
- 5 novels on white separatist insurgency in the Pacific Northwest among many other books
- white people are degraded
- uses Middle Eastern conflicts as inspiration
- small insurgencies can be effective and successful
- attempts to gain control of states such as Idaho, Washington, etc
- attempts to break away from U.S and create the Northwest Republic
- Harold Covington
- background
- writing career
- The Butler Plan
- The Northwest Handbook
- Conclusion
- guidebook for Covington's plan
- four phases for revolution
- 1. form different white communities with own economies
- 2. participate in political and propaganda activity
- difficult task to recruit others
- may feel a certain way but will not admit it
- new recruits would come mostly from radio program... for now
- 3. form a political party
- 2 parts of government- local and general headquarters
- 4. launch an attack against the U.S government
- use form of "hit and run" attacks
- goal is to make the region uncontrolable
- break away from the U.S
Harold Covington
Covington cont.
The Northwest Handbook cont.
The Butler Plan
- born in Burlington, NC
- bad experiences with racial minorities in high school
- silent vow to devote life to white supremacy
- very interested in Hitler and the Third Reich
- joined army in 1972
- discharged after 2 years for racist problems
- joined the Nationalist Socialist White People's Party
- edited the newspaper "White Power"
- moved to Rhodesia in South Africa
- created Rhodesia White People's Party
- deported in 1976 for threats against Jewish community
- moved back to NC and formed Nationalist Socialist Party of America
- became known for "Greensboro Massacre"
- attempted to run for office
- 43% of the vote for state attorney general
- U.S government became aware and
started paying attention to him
- has own constitution
- protect racial and cultural heritage of the U.S
- rights for the people similar to U.S constitituion
- citizenship open to all white people of non-Semetic ancestory
- earned through military and other forms of service to the state
- military service for every able man up to 50 years old
- President elected by popular vote
- serve 6 year term
- commander in chief of armed forces and other security forces
- Legislative Branch elected by popular vote
- serve 2 year terms
- Judicial Branch will not overturn laws
- only try criminal cases
- Northwest Front founded on Nov.5,2008
- day after "Black Tuesday"-Barack Obama elected president
- different from other white organizational groups
- realistic and specific goals
- Northwest Migration to the Pacific Northwest
- reduce white population to managable levels
- Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and parts of Montana
- 300,00 square miles
- about 14,000 people
- "Radio Free Northwest" -program attempting to recruit followers
- $10 monthly dues
- number of listeners and supporters is unknown
- violence against the government would be a reality