Brechtian Staging
- This is where more than one actor plays the same character.
- For example, the actor playing the main character might change from scene to scene.
Minimal set / costume / props
- Brecht believed in keeping lighting simple.
- He believed in using harsh white light as this "illuminates the truth."
- Multi-roling is when an actor plays more than one character onstage.
- Also, in big theatre productions it is cheaper but more difficult.
- Complex costumes might mean that the sense of theatre, or pretending to be something else, was lost.
- Often one item can be used in a variety of ways.
- A suitcase might become a desk, or a car door or a footstool.
We will give each of your groups a prop (weird object)
You will have to devise a scene with these certain objects- however you must use these objects as something other than they are !!!