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Népszerű keresések
The friar
The young squire was said to be a bit girly and not completely built to be a knight
The friar was a with the church who lied about being able to hear confessions to make a little side profit and he lied about him having a licesense from the pope
"For he was qualified to hear confessions,or so he said"(chaucer). "He had a special license from the pope"(chaucer)
" A true and gental knight"( chaucer) "Short was his gown, the sleeves were long and wide" (chaucer)
Facts about the friar
There are 3 kinds of friars, the friar minor, friar minor cupichin, friar minor conventual. Believed in education and were a leader in medieval university life. They come from the Catholic church
Columbia electronic enclyclopedia, 6th edi,19/11/14
Facts and citation
The squires serve the knights. They ready the knights to go into tournaments and battles with other knights. The knight and the squire travel together. The squire gets to fight in battle when he is needed(Knight)
The picture
Knight,Rouke Publishing,2003,p4,19/11/14
Social class
he was in the poor class but because of his side buisness he made more than he said he did
Social class
The squire was of a small social class because he is just starting to go up in the ranks of the knights
Chaucer described the monk as a person who goes
against his religion. He does everything that a normal monk does not do.
"Hunting was his sport"(Chaucer) ." A maly man , to be Abbott able;" (chaucer)
Facts about the monk
Medieval monks translated early christiona texts from greek and latin. They tried to predict the end of the world . Irish monks embellished early christian material. They worked on hell and 'end times' alot and was the main work of irish monks.
Medieval monks had dramatic Impact,29/6/10, Irish Times,
The monks are of a poor social class
they dont have much but what they have for prayer and religous purposes
Chaucer Critisism
Chaucer did not have any satire towards the knight. This was one of the few people that he actually liked
The knights were of high social class and recieved gifts of estates and money, and the soon became one of the most powerful in Europe.
4 Facts about the knights
"When jerusalem fell to the muslims (1187), The templars operated from acre"... " The Templars , who wore the redd cross on a white ground, were greater warriors"..." By the time of of 1291 the Templars had ceased to be promarily a fighting org.
" He was a true and gentle Knight"... "He wore a fustian tunic stained and dark with smudges"... "And in his bearing modest as a maid."
Work cited
Interesting fact
Corrick, James A.
Life of a Medieval knight/ by James A Corrick
Copyright 2001
"The knights were a product of the middle ages coming about and started around the 500 A.D"..." A full armour of a knight could equal up to 60 lbs"( A knights Armour)
Work Cited
Knight Templars, C .G Addison
A defense of the order is C. G. Addison, The history of the nights Templars (rev. ed. 1912)
Work Cited
Copyright, © 2005 by The North Carolina Institute For Fitness & Education, Inc.
Copyright of Phoebe Grant's Fascinating Stories of World Cultures & Customs is the property of Allosaurus Publishers