- On your tables, come up with 3 health screening questions, and 2 health screening tests
"Normative data, data that characterises what is usual in a defined population at a specific point or period of time" O'Connor PJ, 1990
Fitness for Sport and Exercise
Pre-Test Procedures
- Why is this important?
- What pre-test procedures should you carry out?
- Discuss on your tables
Pre-Testing Procedures and Interpreting Data
Things to consider before you start fitness testing
Lesson Objectives
- Describe reliability and validity
- Explain how reliability and validity can be ensured
- Collect apppropriate normative data for a selected fitness tests
Pre-Test Procedures
- Health screening questionnaire (ParQ)
- Health screening tests
- Calibration of equipment
Health Screening Tests You Could Do
- Heart rate (HR)
- Blood pressure (BP)
- Lung function
- Waist-to-hip ratio
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
Prepare to feedback
Good Work!!
Informed Consent
Pair Task:
- Select 1 fitness test
- Explain how you would ensure reliability and validity for this test
- Be prepared to feedback
" the person must be given all of the information in terms of what the treatment involves, including the benefits and risks, whether there are reasonable alternative treatments and what will happen if treatment does not go ahead." - www.nhs.uk
What should be included
in an informed consent form?
Normative Data
- Pre-test procedures?
- Reliability?
- Validity?
What is normative data?
Importance of fitness testing to sports performers and coaches
- Reliability, validity, practicality of tests
- Measuring and recording test results
- Interpretation of results
Lesson Objectives:
- Explain the importance of fitness testing
- Describe what normative data is
- Collect apppropriate normative data for a selected fitness tests
- Gives baseline data for monitoring/improving performance
- Can design training programmes based on test results and determine if training programmes are working
- Training programmes can be changed/modified depending on test results
- Results can give a performer something to aim for/goal setting - long-term and short-term goals
Pair Up:
- Pick 1 test for each component of fitness (8 in total)
- Find normative data that is appropriate for your partner (e.g. age, gender etc.)
- Put the normative data you have collected into a table
- Try this website - www.topendsports.com/
- Use table provided
- Identify key pre-test procedures
- Describe the importance of medical clearance in relation to fitness testing
- Creat pre-testing tools