Here are some interesting videos on the mystery of d.b. cooper
On the plane
- With ransom in hand, D.B. carried out his plan.
- When the plane was in flight, the back stairway opened.
- On the morning of November 24, 1971, Cooper said he had to go on a hunting trip (keep in mind that this was the day the hijacking occurred).
- When he returned the next day he had blood and bruises all over his body.
- His reason for this was he met in an car accident.
- He disappeared shortly after...never to be heard from again!
- Back stairway of a plane "opened"
Sources for This Presentation Brought to you by the following:
After The Ransom was given
A Jump Into History
- It was a jump from an amazing height.
- D.B. landed in a forest.
- No one ever found him!
- When the plane landed, in exchange for the passengers, the FBI gave him his demads
- D.B. then ordered the pilots to fly to Mexico City at 200 mph and an altitude of 10,000 ft.
- Skydivers jumping from a plane in the top left, thick forest on the right
The Mystery of "The Northwest Orient Flight 305 Hijacking" Preview
- FBI on the left, money on the right, and parachutes on the top.
- Afternoon of November 24, 1971
- Dan Cooper(A.K.A D.B. Cooper) buys a one way ticket from Portland to Seattle.
- The plane he boarded, to later hijack, was a Boeing 727.
- No one knew if he made it out alive or dead until 2011.
Where Did the Money Go?
The First Events
- This is anybody's best guess!
- The money was never recirculated.
- However, about $5,000 were found buried in the sand on the Colombia river.
- D.B. passed a note, which stated he had a bomb to a flight attendant.
- In exchange for the passengers safety, he requested parachutes and $200,000 to be waiting for him when they land in Seattle.
- Sketch of D.B Cooper on left and Boeing 727 on the right
- Picture of the Colombia River on the right
- Marla (knew personal information about the crime) came out in 2011.
- D.B. Cooper was her uncle really named Lynn Doyle Cooper.
- He admired a French comic book character (who was a skydiver named Dan Cooper).
- In my opinion, the 40 year old mystery (1971-2011) is solved thanks to Marla.
- Lynn Doyle Cooper was the D.B, Cooper that hijacked and
- D.B. Cooper survived the jump!
tHE Northwest orient airlines flight 305 hijack
By: Marlon Edwards