Pathologies: Respiratory System
Sydney Walker
Preventative Measures
Anyone can get it, but there are people who are at a higher risk for pneumonia, luckily there are ways we can all take precautiuons.
- Washing hands
- No smoking
- Healthy diet
- Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
- Influenza (flu)
- Measles
- Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Pneumococcal.
- Varicella (chickenpox)
High Risk Population
- Weak immune systems
- Older people
How many people die from pneumonia on average a year?
Inflammation of the lungs, usually caused by a bacteria, fungi, or virus & thrives from weak immune systems.
There are so many different types of pneumonia, all depending on the bacteria or virus, location of the infection in lungs, and how strong the person infected immune system is.
Warning Signs & Symptoms
Since there are so many different types of pneumonia, the symptoms vary as well.
The alveoli get infected - Fill with mucus, dead white blood cells, fluids -> Seeps back from capillaries -> Cannot diffuse gases.
Location in Lungs
- Bronchopneumonia
- Starts as bronchial inflammation and spreads into the lungs.
- Lobar pneumonia
- Restricted to one lobe of lung
- Double pneumonia
- Affects both lungs
- Usually feels like the common flu, but instead it gets bad fast and comes with fever of 104F.
Source of Infection
- Community-acquired pneumonia
- Most common form, usually bacterial infection
- Hospital acquired pneumonia (Nosocomial)
- Develops w/in 48 hours after being in hospital or health care center.
- Aspiration pneumonia
- Infection occurs when food, liquid, or some other substance accidentally enters lung.
Warning signs
- Coughing
- High fever
- Sweating
- Chills
- Muscle aches
- Shortness of breath
Can lead to damage to capillaries and abscesses and scar tissue forming, , which can then lead to even more infections.
- Viruses
- Tend to be not too serious, account for about 1/2 of cases.
Extreme infections like pleurisy and empyema can occur.
Swedish massage
1. "Prevent Pneumonia - American Lung Association." American Lung Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
Indications & Contraindications
Treatment totally depends on what type of pneumonia dealt with, but the sooner treatment is started the better.
60 Minute session targeted for relaxation
2. "Pneumonia Can Be Prevented—Vaccines Can Help." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 12 Nov. 2014. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.
Stokes Used
- Light bi lateral tree strokes
- Light stoking
- Compression
- Light kneading
- Light rolling
- Antibiotics
- Antivirals
- NSAIDs for fever reduction & general malaise
3.Werner, Ruth. A Massage Therapist's Guide to Pathology. Baltimore, MD: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009. Print.
- Antibiotics
- Good for bacterial and mycoplasma pneumonias
- Bad for viral infections
- Cough Suppressants
- Bad idea, they interfere with ability to move contaminated mucus
- Pneumonia can be very contagious and life-threatening, so waiting until the person is well would be better.
- Benefits
- Someone recovering from pneumonia can get massage to help loosen & expelling mucus out of lungs .
The goal is to relax and loosen mucus in lungs