Thankyou for listening,
Feel free to ask any questions
- Agriculture and Consumer Protection, FAO (2016) Herb and Spice products. Available at : (Accessed 10 February 2016).
- BRC Global Standards (2014) BRC GLoal Standards. Available at: (Accessed: 9 February 2016.
- Food Standards Australia New Zealand (2015) Food Irradiation. Available at: (Accessed 10 February 2016)
- Frontier Natural Products CoOp (2016) Available: (Accessed 10 February 2016).
- (1996) The Food Labeling Regulations 1996. Available at: (Accessed 9 February 2016).
- NEI Nuclear Notes (2008) How Does Irradiation Work? Available at: (Accessed 11 February 2016)
- Q Plus Food Co, Ltd (2016) Q Plus Food Presentation. Available at: (Accessed 10 February 2016).
- Westland Nurseries (2016) The Inspired Range. Available at: (Accessed 11 February 2016).
- Zack Woods Herb Farm (2016) Photos. Available at: (Accessed 11 February 2016).
Heat Treatment and Irradiation
- Food Irradiation
- The European Union - Authorization of Irradiated foods
- Why Irradiate foods?
- Irradiation doses
- Radura Irradiation Symbol
Food Standards Australia New Zealand, 2015)
Quality accredited organizations
- Accredited Organizations in the Food Industry
- Accreditation's guarantee the standardization of quality, safety and oeprational criteria ensuring manufacturers fulfill their legal obligations and provide protection for the end consumer (BRC Global Standards, 2014)
- Technical method of growing plants
- Water and Land resourceful, protects environment
- Westland Nurseries, Evesham, Worcester
- Biggest commercial grower: micro leaf, specialty cress, edible flowers, samphire, sea vegetables, tomatoes and cress
Westland Nurseries (2016)
Q Plus Food Presentation Video Clip
Q Plus Food Presentation Video
- The following video will demonstrate the production of herbs and spices
- Company: Q Plus Foods, based in Nakornprathom, produces herbs, spices and dehydrated vegetables for the industry using the product name Sutharos
- Safe agricultural land without the use of herbicides or pesticides
- Cultivated using Good Agricultural Systems also known as GAP
- Natural cultivation methods
- High technological equipment
- Product development and research
- Solar panel greenhouse - drying crops
- Quality control
- Storage
- Producing high quality products
- Clearly displayed on the front
- Containing Grower and Processing information
- Containing Product information
- Must comply with national or regional labeling requirements
- Legislation: Food Labeling Regulations 1996 (, 1996)
Q Plus Food Co, Ltd (2016)
Zack Woods Herb Farm, Vermont USA
Field to fork
Threshing of herbs by hand
Zack Woods Herb Farm, (2016)
Agriculture and Consumer Protection, FAO (2016)
Herbs and Spices
What are herbs and spices?
Leah Joanna Ferris, ST20059831