Egg Carrier Project
The first thing is to make a square design with all triangles in the center to support an egg when falling from a second story building.
After your design is approved, then start building the egg carrier with wooden sticks. (Four sides and one top) Note that the side is a different design than the top.
Deal: is used to think of your design.
To get your designs approved,
draw them to a 3x3 scale nice
and neat.
When building the crate, make sure you
cut the wood at angles according to your design and make sure the glue content is to a minimum.
After the crate is complete, it is time to build the parachute. Use the given gore pattern and cut out twelve pieces of the pattern on tissue paper.
Glue the gore patterns in a
circular way with them overlapping
by half an inch. At the last pattern, there will
be a little space left so the parachute looks
like a canopy.
After the canopy is made, get 12 pieces of string each 24 inches long. Make a loop at the top of the string and tape to the middle of space where gore patterns overlap.
Separate the 12 pieces of strings
into three groups with four strings
each and tie a knot in the middle.
Make sure there are no gaps in the parachute or the box and turn it in.