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Group Members
A.K.D.M.P Munasinghe 2010/ICT/087 10020871
E.H.G.P.N Abeywardena 2010/ICT/033 10020332
H.H.A.T. Asanthi 2010/ICT/099 10020993
H.M.W.E Wickramasinghe 2010/ICT/012 10020128
U.C.B.I. Padmasiri 2010/ICT/031 10020314
S.M.M.H. Polkotuwa 2010/ICT/104 10021043
M.M. Horadagoda 2010/ICT/084 10020845
" Its true when theory becomes practical, Theories are converted into practices. "
"Experience in what we learned in classroom, In practical scenario is great. "
Job Design
& Analysis
Employee Selection
- Job designing conducted only for new jobs and it is very rarely happened
- Carry out job design continuously
- Can revise existing jobs by adding or removing responsibilities
- Use Job Rotation technique
- Currently use scientific method for job designing
- Especially for labor level they can rotate jobs in the same level
- Can minimize the bad effects coming from high turnover rate of labors
- Focus on behavioral elements
- Currently they mainly focus on efficiency elements
- Through that they can increase the job satisfaction and moral of the employees
- Conducting medical tests for selected positions
- Assess whether the applicants are physically and mentally fit for the job
- If they can conduct a medical test for selected position they can get optimum out put from the employees
- Increase the number of short list
- In application evaluation organization short list people up to four
- So there is a high probability of missing good candidates
If No PLANT HR Manager participation
Strengths & Weaknesses
Try To match with Existing
What Happens if No Description or Specification ?
- Highly focus on efficiency elements
- Having standard job descriptions for all required jobs
- Increase the productivity
- Reduce job satisfaction
- Reduce morale of employees
- New job requirements are matched with job descriptions
No Ongoing JD and JA Process
HR Manager
HR Assistant Manage
HR Executive
HR Assistant
Financial Controller
Assistant Accountant
Accounts Executive
Accounts Assistant
Export Manager
- Involvement of both HR manager and plant manger for job designing
Assistant Export Manager
Export Executive
Export Assistant
wharf Assistant
Merchandising Manager
Assistant Merchandising Manager
Senior Merchandiser
Trainee Merchandiser
Group HR Defined Jobs And Job Positions
- A greater understanding about the new job requirement
General Manager
Operations Manager
Stores Manager
Stores Executive
Stores Assistant
Maintenance Manager
- Using scientific technique and job enlargement for job designing
Strength & Weaknesses
- Using a combination of selection methods
- Good health and fitness required to work long hours with machines
- Ability to select the right person to right job
- Creating a small short list by application evaluation
- Trained specialists to conduct interviews
- Minimize the interviewer errors
- High probability to miss appropriate candidates
- Conducting background investigations only for executive level positions
Hiring & Induction
Strength & Weaknesses
- Identify the importance of induction
- Allocate enough time and budget
- No proper mechanism to evaluate the process
- Speed up socialization
- Reduce the start up cost
- Familiarize new employees with the job quickly
- Can get the contribution of new employees soon
- Reduce the wastage and accidents
- Can’t identify the weaknesses
- Can’t take corrective actions
- Can’t enhance the future induction programs
- Introduce a proper evaluation method for Induction process
- Induction is very costly and time consuming process
- Can justify the cost and effort after each induction program
- Can improve the induction process
HR Division
HRD Structure
HR Functions
-Job Design -Job Analysis
-Human Power Planning -Recruitment
-Selection -Hiring
-Induction -Performance evaluation
-Pay management -Training and development
-employee movement -welfare administration
-safety and health administration -discipline administration
- grievance handling -labor relation.
Goals & Objectives
- The main goal is to minimize monthly labor turnover rate at least to 4%.
- Gain constant commitment of employee to be excellent in their job roles.
- Creating a fair, safe and positive environment for employees.
- Conduct Leadership Programs and comprehensive training programs.
- Continued effort to develop all aspects of their employees’ potential.
Organization Structure
- The leading provider of special knit garments including men’s, women’s and children t-shirts, fleece tops, polar fleece, pants and lingerie
- Held by Parmanand Hirdaramani in 1890
- Set up the first Hirdaramani retail in fort, Colombo.
- Covers a wide range of business locations including Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, India, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh etc.
- Provide best quality service hang on with popular brand namely, Calvin Klein, Victoria’s secret, H&M, GAP, Levi’s, adidas, Diesel etc.
- Mainly they are using Tuka Tech, Microsoft dynamics ERP, EDI, and Automatic cutters technology for high product market.
" Our mission is to offer quality customer service through innovation, leadership and excellence while being responsive to change in a competitive global environment. Further, to instill professionalism by embracing a positive spirit of enterprise within the group, to increase global market share and do what we do better "
- Separate specialists to handle the process
- Involve with continuous recruitments
Strength & Weaknesses
- Give priority to internal recruitment sources
- Using pre-prepared standard application
- Increase the comparability
- Not interesting in external recruitment sources
- Use most suitable recruitment method for each position
- Less probability of selecting more appropriate person
- High training cost
- Using same method for all recruitments
- Currently use
- In-house promotions and transfers
- Internal employment referrals
- Job applications received via their web site
- For labors: Advertising method
- For staff: recruit educated people from universities
- No proper mechanism to evaluate the process
- Use different applications for different positions
- Currently they use the same application for every position
- But required information is different from level to level
- Can provide the opportunity to get these different applications through their web site
- Introduce a proper evaluation method for Recruitment process
Performance Evaluation
- Modify the performance evaluation form
- Currently includes identification data, employee evaluation, and comments of evaluation
- Comments of evaluee and comments of reviewing official also important.
- Introduce a proper review and renewal method for Performance Evaluation process
- If the evaluations not happen properly, employees can be disappointed.
- Can review and renew the process and can minimize weaknesses.
Strength & Weaknesses
- Have well established PE policy
- Having a general Performance Evaluation form
- Include both subjective and objective criteria in evaluation
- Good trade off among these two types of criteria
- Cause to success performance evaluation
- No proper mechanism to evaluate the process
- Perform staff evaluation twice a year
- Can’t identify the weaknesses
- Can’t take corrective actions
- Employees may frustrated
- Reduce the recency effect
- Quality of work
- Quantity of work
- Attendance & Punctuality
- Job knowledge
- Accuracy
- Discipline
- Temperament
- Dependability
- Team work
- Interpersonal Skills
- Effectiveness of communication
- Attitudes
- Contribution to 5”s
- Creativity
- Initiative
- Performed By: GM, HR Manager, Department Head
- Time Span: Twice a year.
- Objective: Promotions, Permanent hiring, rewards and increments
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Understanding the importance of HRP
- Not using skill inventory or management inventory
- Qualified persons to handle the process
- Using few strategies to deal with surplus/shortage situations
- Using a formal method to forecast HR demand
- Use more strategies to deal with surplus/shortage situations
- No proper mechanism to evaluate the process
- Unit forecasting
- More accurate
- Formal outplacement facilities : surplus situations
- Sub contractors : shortage situations
- Can’t identify the weaknesses
- Can’t take corrective actions
- Forecasting for near future
- Maintain skill inventory and management inventory to decide internal HR supply
- Increase the accuracy of forecasting
- Currently use the scores in Performance Evaluation
- Increase efficiency of the internal replacement process
- Introduce a proper evaluation method for HRP process
- To improve the HRP process in future
Job Planning