Localization Capability Maturity Model
- Think global, act local
- Continuous process optimization
- L10N pushed by C-level management
- High degree of automation, centralization and integration
- Translation a commodity
- Limited L10N planning; late involvement
- Repeatable process on project level; not standard, not enforced
- Some L10N experience
- Depends on localization service provider (LSP) as trusted advisor and for technical resources
- Partial I18N
- Conforming to regulatory requirements and some standards
- More realistic time and budget expectations
- Widespread L10N planning; not enforced, not always timely
- Standard process on organization level
- standard processes enforced
- standard processed tailored for individual projects
- Substantial L10N experience
- Depends on LSP for translation and possibly technical resources
- I18N commonly applied but not ubiquitous
- Centralized procurement; not enforced
- Conforming to regulatory requirements and standards
- L10N planning ubiquitous; enforced and timely
- Use of metrics for performance
- Applying best L10N practices
- In-house evangelists
- Strong management support
- I18N ubiquitous
- Integration with LSPs and authoring through process automation
- Centralized linguistic assets
- Centralized procurement of services and tools; enforced
- Reacting to sales opportunities
- Ad hoc processes
- Limited or no localization (L10N) experience
- Individual heroes
- Limited or no internationalization (I18N) in products
- Non-conformance to standards or regulations
- Unrealistic time and budget expectations
Why does it matter?
- Scrambling to meet requests
- Missing delivery dates
- Side-of-desk efforts impact completion of tasks
- Duplication of effort
- L10N assets not protected for future use
- Quality suffers
- Inconsistent messaging
- Translators, LSPs frustrated