Suez Crisis & The Eisenhower Doctrine
Events leading up to conflict
- 1955 Nasser topples the corupt king and becomes Leader of Egypt
- U.S becomes a ally of Egypt, U.S starts funding Egypt
- Nasser also asks for help from the Soviet Union, who is also an enemy of the United States
Where Did The Events Take Place
Morgan Lensegrav p. 6&7
March 27, 2013.
When Did The Events Occur
- October 29th, - November 7th, 1956
- After the U.S. found out about the money given to Egypt in 1956, U.S withdrew the loan
- Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal to use the tolls to make up for the money the U.S. withdrew
- The Canal was owned by France and G.B., who were mad
- Jeopardized Western oil trade and Nasser wouldn't allow ships for Israel to use the canal
Why Did The Events Happen
- Nationalizing the Suez Canal
- threatened oil trade
- U.S didn't like the S.U
- Britain, France, and Israel were scared and attacked
What Happened During The Events
- Sec. of Stare Dulles applied Marshall plan
- Gave aid to Middle East, Asia, & Africa
- Britains military presence protected the canal from the threat by the S.U
- Egypt wanted Britain out
The events that occurred during the conflict
- Israel launched an attack and G.B. and France entered on Israel’s side
- The Soviets threatened war, if the three countries didn’t withdraw
- The U.S. decided what side it would take
The results of the conflict
Who was involved in the events
- The U.N. called for an immediate cease-fire and convinced the three countries to withdraw
- The Soviets appeared to win this conflict, which helped them gain influence in the Arab world
- Eisenhower Doctrine: offered money to any Middle East country resisting Communists
- Egypt
- Israel
- Britain
- France
- United States
- Russia
- Soviet Union
- "Suez Crisis." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Mar. 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2013.
- "Teaching, Home of the National History Education Clearinghouse." The U.S. and Egypt in the 1950s. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2013.
- "Israel Invades Egypt; Suez Crisis Begins." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2013.