BY:Nerissa Ward
Kayleah Whitehurst
Jocelyn Romano
Ariannna Wilson
Works Cited
Results of the Situation
- As a group we think that its terrible how the boys mother left him all alone to raise himself in the Syrian desert at one years old
- And we question if the boy was really in the desert all that time by himself because how did he live of eating just grass and how would gazelles really raise a child?
How it impacted him socially, intellectually and developmentally
- I think he ended up this way because he didn't have any social interactions with human beings and he wasn't exposed to new things so his brain didn't develop
- he walked on all fours and he would sometimes stand upright but he lacked the ability to walk like a normal human being
- he never developed the ability to understand and speak human language or learn simple things such as colors and numbers
How long he was there
- he was in the wild for 10 years before he was discovered
How he was discovered
- the boy around 10 years of age was discovered in the herd of gazelles and he was caught by an iraqi army jeep
- there was other attempts to catch him but they failed because he could run up to 50 kph
- The boy being able to survive in the wild with no human contact or interaction made the boy resilient
Where he grew up/ how he got there
How long he was affected
- he was born around 1936 and his mother abandoned him when he was one years old in the Syrian desert
What his environment was like:
- the boy was affected his whole life and he was taken to an insane asylum eventually
- The boys environment was rough and he had no human interactions so he mimicked the gazelles behaviors
- he ate whatever the gazelles ate so typically he ate leaves and grass
how he adjusted to society
- he didn't adjust to society at all when interacting with humans he would twitch his muscles and make noises and grunts like gazelles