revived language- a language previously extinct but now in use
isolated language- a language not related to any other known language
Lingua Franca- A language mutually understood and commonly used in trade by people who have different native languages.
- English is the global lingua franca
Ethnic Regions
Pidgin Language- A form of speech that adopts a simplified grammar and limited vocabulary of a lingua franca, used for communications among speakers of two different languages.
- religion that appeals to a
particular group of people
living in a particular place
Imperialism and Colonialism
- both had major effects on the political geography in terms of boundaries, cores, capitals, and international economic relationships
- is the perpetuation of a colonial empire even after it is no longer politically sovereign
- also describes countries that exert cultural or economic dominance over others without the aid of official government institution
This is an ideogram- used by Eastern Asian countries, each symbol represents an idea or concept
- is the effort by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles on such territory
Folk Culture
is spread through relocation diffusion
Cultural Adoption
Acculturation: To adopt some cultural traits of new culture, but not all.
Assimilation:To completely become a part of a culture.
Appropriation: is the adoption of elements of one culture by members of another cultural group
Some things can go from folk culture to popular culture through diffusion
ex. The Amish population relocated to the United States from Europe and now mostly live in PA, USA but are in 16 other states as well.
ex. Soccer- it started with boys kicking a cows bladder around, and grew to be a folk custom, then eventually globalized in 1800s in Great Britain
Organization of the sport into a formal structure caused the globalization of the popular sport
Official languages-languages used in government affairs, at times it is not the most common spoken language of the population
- Countries can also have more than one official language
- ex. India who has multiple official languages including Hindi and English
Dialect:A regional variation of a language which reflects environmental features and that is distinguished by distinctive vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.
- the standard language of British speech is British received pronunciation
Creolized language: A language that results from the mixing of a colonizer's language with the indigenous language of the people being dominated.
- ex. French Creole in Haiti
Universalizing Religions
Religions that attempt to be global, to appeal to all people, wherever they may live in the world, not just to those of one culture or location
Cultural Patterns and Processes
Branch: A large fundamental division within a religion
Sect: A small group that has broken away from denomination
Denomination: A division of a branch that unites people.
- Jeans were popularized by Westerns in 1960s because of their youthful independent look. At one point, jeans were a symbol for low status workers but eventually became an obsession around the world.
By: Ashley W, Brigitta T, Hannah W, Keely T
Cultural Diffusion in Popular Culture
- Indo Iranian: Clustered in South Asia.
- Romance: Southwestern Europe.
- Germanic Languages: Northwest Europe.
- Balto Slavic: Eastern Europe.
- spreads by hierarchical diffusion.
- modern communication helps spread the traits.
ex. McDonald's - it is present virtually everywhere in the world
ex. Starbuck's - started out as a small business then via globalization spread worldwide
Popular Culture
Fundamentalism vs. Secularism
Folk Culture
Major Language Families
French Schools vs. American Schools
A literal interpretation and a strict and intense adherence to basic principles of a religion.
Strict separation of the state from religious institutions and that people of different religions and beliefs are equal before the law
- Found in large heterogeneous societies.
- Often a product of more economically developed countries.
- Music is produced to be distributed to many people.
- Nodes: California and New York City etc.
Language family- a collection of languages related to each through a common ancestor long before recorded history
Language branch- collection of languages related through common ancestor several thousand years ago
Language group- collection of languages within a branch that shares a common origin and relatively recent past
- Small, homogeneous groups living in isolated rural areas.
- Often have anonymous hearths, originating from anonymous sources, at unknown dates, through unidentified originators.
- Folk songs are transmitted orally.
- Spreads through relocation
- diffusion.
- French schools don't allow any religious materials in the classrooms while American schools use materials based off religious views
- Indo-European: Divided into eight branches.
- The main branches spoken by large amounts of people are Indo-Iranian, Romance, Germanic, and Balto Slavic.