Colombia: Beyond the Stereotypes
by: Adriana Estrada
The Campaign's impact on Tourism
- These campaigns have helped to increase tourism in Colombia for the last several years.
- Accord to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) foreign tourism has grown an average rate 10.4% over the last eight years (2005-2012) three times higher than the global rate during the same period
- Another campaign was done by a government agency called Proexport, This campaign brought about the Slogan "Colombia: The Only Risk is Wanting to Stay"
- Another campaign to improve Colombia's image was started shortly after the movie "Colombiana" was released called Colombia The Other Side of the Coin
Improving Colombia's Image
- 2005 the Colombian government started a campaign called "Colombia Es Pasion" to improve Colombia's image within the country and in foreign markets.
In 2011 the "Colombia es Pasion" campaign was replaced by a new campaign called "La Respuesta es Colombia"
The Impact of Negative Stereotypes on Tourism in Colombia
- Colombia's history of narco-trafficking and conflicts with the Guerillas and the media's constant portrayal of these issues has made people afraid of visiting the country
- As a result tourism in Colombia was low for many years
- xXx (2002) - The main character Xander Cage is taken and dropped in a cocaine-producing rural area of Colombia where he is captured, tied, gagged and tortured by a drug lord.
- Maria Full of Grace (2004) - The main character Maria who is from Colombia is recruited to be a drug mule
Some Examples of Films that depict Colombia Negatively
- Colombiana (2011) - centers around a woman named Cataleya who witnesses her parents being murdered by a drug lord and years later decides to seek revenge by becoming a trained assassin,
Colombian Stereotypes in the Media
- The stereotypes that people have towards Colombia are a result of the how the country is portrayed in movies and TV shows
- The majority of movies depicting Colombia more often than not involve narco-trafficing related issues and hit men stories
Stereotypes about Colombia
- Colombia is a dangerous and violent country
- Colombia is full of drug cartels and narco-terrorism
- Anyone who goes there will likely be kidnapped
What is a Stereotype?
- A stereotype is "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing"
- There are all kinds of stereotypes including Gender, Sexual, Literary, Cultural, and Ethnic stereotypes