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Faber's most important contribution to Color theory

Susan Goldsmith (oil paintings)

Faber's Color Circle

Consulted for:

Psychology of Color

  • An Authority of colors effect on people

  • Specialized in functional application of colors

  • He suggested orange be used as hazard sign

  • Theorized colors envoke emotional responses

  • And Synaesthesia, colors can associate with other senses

  • Theorized emotional people react more to colors


  • Born 1900 in Chicago, Illionios

  • Father, Jospeh was a landscape painter

  • Studied color theory for 2 years at University of Chicago

  • Became a Color Consultant

  • Wrote & published 40 books and 254 articles

  • Amassed a collection books on color

Faber Birren Triangle

Faber Birren

The Color Theory Authority


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