How could data be corrupted/lost on a cell phone? (Q4)
- The most common cause of data loss on cell phone's are caused by a interrupted or error made during a software update
- ex: phone crashes, wipes all photos and contacts
- The cell phone's EM waves are disrupted while receiving data
- The processors used in iPhone's are made by Samsung, their top competitor
When was the cell phone first used? (Q3)
- The first cell phone was created by Motorola in 1979
- The initial cell phone is very different than the modern one (1979 version not in use)
- Modifications have been made to create the modern cell phones (iPhone, Samsung)
What is the average bit-rate of a cell phone? (Q2)
- iPhone 6 average bit rates:
- for videos: 18-25Mbps
- for audio: 63Kbps
What bit-sending technology does a cell phone use? (Q1)
- Cell phones use ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIO WAVES to transport information
- Old phones used to need wires --> cell phones are now wireless b/c of waves sent phone to phone
- Wireless cell phones allows us to communicate more conveniently